How a nice Jewish boy from the East Coast - a college-educated economist, an employee of the San Francisco Federal Reserve, and a fellow Unitarian, oy! - conspired to murder the architect of San Francisco's Morrison Planetarium and steal his wife
... and some of the consequences that accrued.
Jewish terrorism, the Jewish Defense League (JDL), Antifa
Larry Ellison, Oracle Corporation, and a fountain of corruption
Introduction - The 'GRQ Club'
As a child of twelve, we first became aware of Herbert Runyon when we heard our parents talking about something at the San Francisco Unitarian Church, that they called the 'GRQ Club'.
'GRQ' stood for 'Get Rich Quick'. The 'GRQ Club' was a gathering of people, there, at the San Francisco Unitarian Church - led by Herbert Runyon - who played the stock market.

You may be wondering. What is the San Francisco Unitarian Church doing, hosting a bunch of financial speculators?
Some may have also wondered: how is it possible to get rich quick without adding enormous amounts of value to the economy in a short time? Where is the value-added proposition? How is this not insider trading?
Recalling the events, as seen through childish eyes, but now, with events interpreted by adult understanding, we remember there being conflict. We remember Herbert Runyon and his GRQ Club being at the center of the conflict.
We remember this GRQ Club being a source of conflict between Leon and Penny.
If we recall correctly, there was a rather contentious meeting of the San Francisco Unitarian Church's Board of Trustees to discuss and resolve the conflict,
If we recall correctly, the resolution of the matter was that the GRQ Club relocate to Herbert Runyon's perfectly good and mostly vacant three story house.
(Located at 245-255 Edgehill Way, in San Francisco, Herbert Runyon's home, according to Zillow, was sold by the self-styled "Salanave-Runyon estate", for a cool $ 1.3 million, in December, 2016. The whereabouts of this money is a mystery - malfeasance is suspected. But that's another topic.)
As it turned out, this would provide cover for Herbert Runyon and our mother - the self-described Eleanora Penny Salanave - to give a big middle finger to the Salanave family, and begin to screw around, like teenagers.
If we seem a little short on compliments, where Penny is concerned, there are reasons. Read on.
The apple of discord
It was about this time that Herbert Runyon gifted Penny Salanave with an expensive trinket; a green apple, made from molten glass. This green apple occupied the position of honor on Penny's dresser for the next two decades.

As we reconstruct events, from comments we heard at the time, Penny was apparently responsible for provoking some sort of catastrophic and emotional split amongst and between the members of the board of trustees, there, at the San Francisco Unitarian Church, over this topic.
As we reconstruct events, our mother, Penny, did so at the behest of Herbert Runyon, whose agent she had become and whom, we now realize, had become Penny's handler.
The green apple, as we understand it, was an allusion to the Greek myth of the Apple of Discord.
In other words - as we analyzed events - Herbert Richard Runyon and Eleanora Penny Salanave conspired to create conflict and discord amongst their fellow Unitarians, in revenge for being denied use of the Unitarian facilities for their financial frolics ... and Herbert Runyon rewarded Penny Salanave for her efforts.
That Penny Salanave would place this bauble atop her dresser where her husband could not help but see it two or three dozen times a day is an insight into the characters of both Eleanora Penny Salanave, and Herbert Richard Runyon, whom knowingly enabled her moral decay.
That Leon put up with this ongoing 24x7 microaggression from his own wife for nearly two decades speaks well of Leon's self-discipline - and it may have saved his life.
The murder weapon
Recently we located the bauble in question. We viewed it with eyes that were a quarter of a century older; eyes that had been sharpened, by the passage of time, the acquisition of bitter knowledge, and by 20:20 hindsight.
It is our reluctant conclusion that the green apple that Herbert Runyon gave to Eleanora Salanave bears many indications that it is actually intended to be used as a murder weapon.

- Weight: the apple is made of solid glass and weighs over 350 grams, nearly a pound.
- Size: at around 65 millimeters, or two and a half inches in diameter, the apple fits perfectly into a small adult's cupped palm. For purposes of comparison, the standard American baseball is 73 to 75 millimeters, or nearly three inches in diameter - so it might be fair to say that this apple is precisely sized to fit a woman's smaller hand.
- Geometry: with a machine-flat bottom it is easy to orient for use as a weapon - even in the dark - by positioning the flat surface against one's palm so that the stem points outwards.
- Grip: the apple's surface is dappled with lines that when held as a weapon - oriented with the flat base against one's palm - act like a checkered grip for one's fingers.
- Surface: needless to say, the dappled surface just described does not hold fingerprints.
- Concealability: it fits easily into a woman's purse or the toe of a thick stocking - for use as a sap - and is invisible to metal detectors.
- Stem: if one looks at the apple and its conical 'stem' with an untrusting eye, it is indistinguishable from a morning star with one blunted spike. It is well suited to puncturing a man's skull with one blow and such a blow would almost surely render most men helpless, unconscious, or dead.
- Aesthetics: the conical 'stem' is completely superfluous to the aesthetic value of the object - without the 'stem', the apple is still an apple.
- Functionality: the conical 'stem' is completely superfluous to the functional value of the object - without the 'stem', the paper weight is still a paper weight.
It is our carefully considered opinion that Herbert Runyon gave this weapon to Eleanora Salanave, hoping that she would, in a moment of anger, use it - apparently, against Leon Salanave, her husband.
If one agrees that this is not just a paper weight, but a carefully crafted weapon, there is no other explanation. We wonder where Herbert Runyon acquired this 'paper weight'. We will have more to say on that topic, further on.
The Jewish invasion
What was Herbert Runyon doing at the Unitarian Church, anyway?
The moment you read, dear reader, that Herbert Runyon worked at the San Francisco Federal Reserve, your Jewdar should have been jangling.
Yes, dear readers, we have said it. Herbert Runyon was Jewish. He described himself as Jewish. We're just quoting him - don't go calling us anti-Semites, morons, we're Jewish, too.
What is a 'Semite', anyway? How can someone be an anti-Semite, if they don't even know what a 'Semite' is?

We think 99.999% of the people using the word "anti-Semite" don't even know what a 'Semite' is, either. They need to learn to use a dictionary. It's not right that public policy should be in the hands of illiterati.
(We are looking directly at YOU, Donald Trump. Let's see some stable genius. Define 'Semite' objectively using modern scientific and linguistic tools - or you're indistinguishable from Joe Biden. You should be ashamed of yourself, threatening citizens with imprisonment for using free speech, after all you have been through.)
At the risk of stating the obvious ... speaking Hebrew doesn't make one a Semite, any more than speaking Latin makes one Italian.
At one time we were very supportive of the Zionist enterprise. We read everything we could find in the San Francisco Public Library by Leon Uris. Shucks, we wanted to go live on a kibbutz. We had been told that Unitarians were welcome at Congregation Emanu-El - but found we were not. The events which we are about to describe to you broadened our horizons and changed our mind. We were not always so conservative.
If we use words as they are defined in the dictionary, then the Palestinians are the real Semites.
If you accept the previous sentence as true, then it follows, logically, that the Israelis are the real anti-Semites. To quote the common wisdom, "actions speak louder than words". A voting majority of adult Israelis hate Arabs and they are proud to say it. This is anti-Semitic racism. What more do you need? It's right in front of you. Israelis are racists. Israelis hate Semites. We think the State of Israel has become a safe space for hatred and murder. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Jews like to claim that these 'anti-Semites' hate them, but our reading of the situation is that what makes people angry is not being able to trust their neighbors.
If Jews are seen as unworthy of public trust, around the world, it is not without reason.
If you must call us names ... try 'anti-zealot', 'anti-fanatic', or 'anti-Talmud' - more on that, below.
So: What was a money-grubbing Jew like Herbert Runyon doing at the San Francisco Unitarian Church?
And what are *we* doing at the Unitarian Church, for that matter, if we are Jewish, too?
It all starts with defining the word 'Jewish'. What is a Jew?
The answer to this question, properly speaking, requires a lengthy doctoral dissertation.
Here are just a few books to help you get started:

- Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years, by Israel Shahak
- The Invention Of The Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand
- Facts Are Facts - The Truth About Khazars, by Benjamin Freedman
- The thirteenth tribe : the Khazar Empire and its heritage, by Arthur Koestler
- My Farewell To Israel, by Jack Bernstein
- The Life of an American Jew in Israel, also by Jack Bernstein
- What Price Israel, by Alfred Lilienthal
- The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? - also by Alfred Lilienthal
- The other side of the coin; an American perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict, also by Alfred Lilienthal
- There goes the Middle East, by Alfred Lilienthal, as well
- Iron Curtain Over America, by John Beaty
- The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, by Elizabeth Dilling
- One Nation Under Blackmail, Volumes 1 & 2, by Whitney Alyse Webb
- The Gospel According To The Jews, Called Toldoth Jesu, translated by R. Carlile
- Toledot Yeshu The Life Story Of Jesus, by Peter Schafer, Michael Meerson, Yaacov Deutsch
- The book of the Kahal, by Jacob Brafmann
- Against Our Better Judgment : The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel, by Alison Weir
- The mystery of the serpent, by B F Jackson
- , by William Cooper
Two collections:
- The Attack on the USS Liberty, courtesy of WHALE
- Library on Judiasm (A-Z), by Jeff Brown
One memorial:
- USS Liberty AGTR-5, attacked June 8th 1967
And two movies:
- The Brotherhood of the Bell - how it feels to be David Irving, Ernst Zundel, or even Andrew Anglin
- OCCUPIED: The World Has Noticed, by Stew Peters - the FBI is said to have notified Mr Peters that there is a contract to kill him in retaliation for releasing this movie, FYI
When Herbert Runyon described himself as Jewish, what he meant was that he was a member of a very influential community that had roots in the East Coast legal and financial communities.
Herbert's older brother, for instance, was, according to Herbert and Penny, a judge on a Superior Court in Michigan. The surname 'Runyon' appears, again and again, in East Coast legal journals, and in connection with judiciary.
These people would all claim that they occupied their positions through sheer excellence; but, after personally witnessing, in 1991, the four topmost layers of management at Oracle Corporation, in violation of the laws of statistics, being exclusively occupied by people whom described themselves as Jewish ... we suspected nepotism.
When we describe ourselves as Jewish, we allude to an existing DNA test that implies that we and our offspring are all fractionally Ashkenazi.
Our Hungarian grandmother's maiden surname, you see, was 'Simon'.
We had previously identified the possibility that this side of the family was, historically, Jewish, and inferred that our mother was, through inheritance, half Ashkenazi and half Hungarian.
This would make us one quarter Ashkenazi; a calculation that agrees with the previously mentioned DNA test.
Through inheritance via our grandmother and our mother, this would also make us - by Jewish law - a member of the tribe.
Mutual recognition of a shared membership in this so-called 'tribe' provides an initial basis for trust, much as the exchange of encryption keys does, for intra-tribal transactions; the membership, itself, does not seem to have any intrinsic meaning or value, to most Jews.
Phrased less delicately, many Jews have no problem preying upon one another or cheating each other. There is no honor among Talmudic Jews. Only Law. The Talmudic community is a low-trust society.
The existence of the Kol Nidre vow, not to mention the existence of a staggeringly enormous and convoluted body of Talmudic law, thousands of years old, attests to this history of ongoing conflict, predation and betrayal more clearly than anything we or anyone else can say.
The fact that Jews, themselves, do not trust one another is a sweeping condemnation of the Jewish community's true worth, in their own eyes. The Jewish community does not regard itself as worthy of trust. They do not think they are trustworthy - even as they demand that everyone trust them, they do not trust one another. They know they are more deceitful than not. If actions speak louder than words, perhaps we should listen.
Outcast Jews find common cause with Unitarians because Unitarians are not, technically, Christians. The Unitarian faith regards Jesus as a prophet, but explicitly rejects the binary notion of God as both Father and Son, as well as the trinitarian notion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This makes for an evangelist-free environment.
Some Jews are drawn by the fact that Unitarians will tolerate behavior that other Jews will not.
This has implications for Unitarian congregations - and everyone else - coming into contact with the Talmudic Jewish population.
The influence peddlers
The first thing Unitarian congregations need to understand is that they are not members of the tribe and so in the eyes of Talmudic Jews they are not equals - those of us who are not Jews are all presumed to be intellectually and spiritually inferior.
It follows, logically, that relationships between Jewish congregations, composed mostly of Talmuds, and Unitarian congregations, are mostly for show.
As a non-Jewish member of a Unitarian congregation, uninvited and unknown, try entering a Jewish synogogue to attend services, some Saturday. Odds are good you will be stopped and searched and scanned for weapons - before they even decide whether to let you in. They will take your ID and copy it.

This is not assimilation. This is the opposite of a 'neighborhood' - this is an 'apart-hood', or, as the Afrikaners spell it, apartheid. That's what 'apartheid' means, O Scholars - separatism - keeping people apart. Jews keep apart.
We think this is security theater - paid for by the American taxpayers, through a steady stream of US government grants.
They don't want you there. You are not welcome. Even after you loudly declare yourself to be a Unitarian. Odds are good the young man handling security will ask you, with a strong foreign accent, what a 'Unitarian' is.
Go to any other faith in the United States and show us a pattern where houses of worship are consistently surrounded by permanent defensive barriers, every entrance is guarded by men, and the first loyalty of every single person inside that boundary is to another country. What we describe is a 'consulate', an 'embassy', or 'diplomatic quarters' - not a house of worship, but the outpost of another sovereign nation, concealed behind a facade of religiosity in order to gain legal and financial advantages.
As we understand Talmudic Jewish tribal organization, there is no actual value in being a member of the tribe. One's value to the tribe comes from the social connections one possesses within the tribal organization, and beyond - one's influence.
For this reason, influence peddling seems to predominate in Talmudic Jewish culture, where everybody is a service provider or some sort of value-added retailer, and actual producers of tangible products or original equipment are rare. For most of this population, influence is their most valuable commodity. Influence, unlike information - the community's second most valuable commodity - cannot be stolen.
We used to have laws and standards of conduct but it almost seems as if influence has taken over.
Another name for 'influence', of course, is 'corruption'.
So it might be fair to say that influence - or corruption, as some call it - and the act of influencing - what some would call 'corrupting' - is central to the Talmudic Jewish identity.
Why do we work so hard to maintain this relationship with a group who believe they have little or nothing in common with us? Is it just virtue signalling? Perhaps we should disassociate ourselves from Jewish congregations and focus upon building and maintaining relationships only with specific individuals whom we trust, within the Jewish community.
Gregory Bateson once defined information as 'any difference that makes a difference'. We define things by their differences. How are Talmudic Jews different?
Talmudic Judaism is perhaps best understood as the exact polar opposite of Taoism.
In Taoism, the highest value is placed upon not interfering.
In Talmudic Judaism, however, there is a competition, and it is to see who can successfully meddle in the affairs of others. The one who proves their power by meddling and interfering the best, wins, and accrues more power, and influence - not unlike the game of Go.

Those whom are powerless to interfere in the lives of others, amongst the Talmudic Jewish population, curry favor with those who do have the power, by running interference for the interferers. It is this team effort that turns a dispute between a Jewish insider and a Jewish outsider from a personal disagreement into clinically passive-aggressive behavior, mobbing, bullying, assault, or even fullblown criminal conspiracy.
We think this state of affairs is unacceptable. Some sort of organized resistance seems to be called for. We encourage people to resist bullies - to do anything less only encourages them.
Natural language processing and artificial intelligence promise to be efficient parsers of text-based legal opinions and are likely to be efficient at correlating false and inconsistent logic with specific individuals. The day of the influence peddler and the fixer may be coming to an end; at least, in the legal arena.
We see open source software and machine intelligence leading to a new era of democracy where participants submit identical data to diverse AIs - which, given the same information, should, by diverse paths, converge upon the same conclusions. Outliers will help us better understand the boundaries of sanity. For instance: what happens when one trains a neural network with nothing but tracts from the Talmud, or the Vedas, and then queries it for advice about current world events? What happens when we direct these entities to debate one another? These are exciting times, for seekers of truth. Stay tuned for future developments in this arena.
Torahs vs Talmuds
So, like we said ... these people would all claim that they occupied their positions through sheer excellence; but, after witnessing the five topmost layers of management at Oracle Corporation, against all odds, being exclusively occupied by people whom described themselves as Jewish, in 1992 ... we, also Jewish, suspected nepotism.
This becomes more relevant when one begins to ponder the relationship between Herbert Runyon - a man who seems to have spent his life doing nothing but accumulating money and advancing Jewish agendas - and Eleanora Penny Salanave, who actually went into court when she turned 18 and had her middle name legally changed to "Penny", not short for Penelope, no, but a reference to the American coin, worth one-hundredth of a dollar.

What was the source of their shared fascination with money? Was it genetic? Cultural? Or, just a coincidence?
(To us, money is a tool. It is only useful when it is being used. Accumulating millions of dollars makes as much sense as collecting and piling up millions of screwdrivers. The only justification for such behavior is to inhibit others' ability to do useful work - IE, power and control. How is this in anyone's best interests? We think it is dopamine addiction.)
We have gradually come to see those people who call themselves "Jewish" as falling into one of two groups. The Jews, themselves, seem too close to the trees to see the forest. Our distance from this community has offered us a degree of perspective, which we share, here.
The first group of Jews, we think of as 'Torahs'. These are Jews who worship truth - to them, God is Truth. These Jews tend to be found working in soft and hard sciences like healing, medicine, engineering and mathematics.
The second group of Jews, we think of as 'Talmuds'. These are Jews who worship power - God is Power. Money is a form of power, so their God is Money, too. These Jews tend to be employed working in law and finance.
The categories we describe are not hard and fast. Within the financial community exist a smaller community of people who are referred to as 'quants'. Such people, although employed in the financial industry, tend to have more in common with engineers than they do with financiers. The legal community has a few diamonds, amongst the dung, who fight for truth. In the scientific community there are no lack of social climbers and self-promoters - just eavesdrop at any college cocktail party. The medical community has similar problems with people drawn by the glamor of life-and-death decisions.
These are not new categories and they are not unique to those who call themselves Jews. The uneasy boundary between labor and management is, essentially, the gulf between truth, and power. Robert Pirsig's Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and, half a century later, Neal Stephenson's science fiction classic, Anathem, both explore in detail the antagonism between these two, orthagonal poles of human cognition - dialectic, the language of those whom seek truth ... and rhetoric, the language of those whom seek influence.
It seems possible that this second group - which we characterize as 'Talmuds' - suffers from some sort of neurotransmitter-related genetic defect that leaves them less resistant to addictive behaviors, IE, they have a hard time saying 'no' to instant gratification. A sort of Tay-Sachs Disease, but affecting one's morality rather than one's mortality. Or maybe they're just undisciplined. This is a topic for further research.
The best instructions we have been able to find for individuals and groups needing to deal with this second group of people can be found by reading astronomer and author Carl Sagan's essay, The Fine Art of Baloney Detection. We think Sagan's list of nineteen behaviors to watch out for corresponds almost precisely to the Talmud playbook.
The predators
So what was Herbert Runyon doing hanging out at the San Francisco Unitarian Church, every Sunday?
We think he was preying upon Unitarians. 'GRQ' Club, remember? He was recruiting people who worshipped money. The Board of Trustees seems to have arrived at a similar conclusion.
Our assessment is that Unitarians are seen by a certain segment of the Jewish community as financially well off - many of them have money which they choose, historically, to invest in their Unitarian communities - and, for that reason, they are legitimate targets for predation.
!['chocolate [...] containing bits of corn and peanuts' is a reference to anilingus](080724dailystormermeme54.jpg)
Unitarians are notoriously tolerant and that makes them easy marks for manipulators.
Unitarians are monotheists and so it is easy to manipulate Unitarians into believing or thinking that Jews, and Unitarians, have common cause.
Unitarians and Quakers have a great deal in common - both of our groups came to these shores seeking religious freedom and were involved in the American Revolution. Jews, not so much. Remember this. Jews, organizationally speaking, don't have any skin in the Great American Experiment.
Our recollection is that Herbert Runyon spent Sundays tending the coffee machine and never actually went into the sanctuary for services. Maybe more - running a coffee service at a church every Sunday would provide a great cover for contacts, meetings, drops and transfers of materials, just sayan'.
So we don't think Herbert Runyon was there at the Unitarian Church for the spiritual revelations. He seemed to have little or nothing in common with his fellow Unitarians, spiritually.
Herbert Runyon was not the only Jew preying upon Unitarians!
We remember another person of controversy, there, at the San Francisco Unitarian Church, in the 1970s. We think this woman's last name was 'Bernstein'. She was an astrologer.
This woman would do astrology charts for $100 apiece - which was a nice chunk of change, back in the 1970s. You could rent a two-bedroom apartment on Parnassus Avenue, a block away from UCSF, for $300/month, back in those days.
Penny was a sucker for astrology.
(Our analysis is that if Penny had been even half as smart as she thought she was she would have calculated her own astrological forecasts. She didn't.)
But if you study Judaism in any depth at all you will learn that astrology is forbidden to religious Jews. According to Torah Jews, astrology is a dark science taught to men by corrupt angels - and to be avoided, for that reason. According to Talmudic Jews, of course, it is the exact opposite,
And so we see that this Jewess astrologer was plying her dark arts where they were accepted and tolerated and even encouraged - the San Francisco Unitarian Church - because if she had tried to do that at her local synogogue, she would have been expelled.
Then there's that $100 charge. This woman was running a business. And her business was Unitarians. All New Age bullshit aside, her front office was the Unitarian Church.
We had the opportunity to see this woman's work product and we never saw a natal chart - as far as we could tell, nothing was in writing. The forecast was delivered on a cassette tape. The self-proclaimed astrologer didn't even remove the write-protect tabs from the cassettes she delivered to her clients, making it easy to accidentally erase this $100 intangible. Even at the tender age of twelve years, we smelled bullshit.
(It was around this time that Penny slapped a "My other car is a broomstick" bumper sticker on the rear fender of her red Mazda RX-7. Had Penny joined a coven? Did Herbert Runyon have other hobbies of which we were unaware? This clearly seemed to be an artifact of his influence. We wondered, but, as an alienated teenager, there was no one we could ask.)
Our sense is that today's Unitarian-Universalist Church may very well be populated with all sorts of fellow travellers inappropriately claiming group membership.
For instance, in the early 1990s, as one of the administrators of an electronic newsgroup called UUS-L, we recall one of the members claiming that the practice of voodoo, including the ritual killing of animals, was consistent with being a Unitarian-Universalist.
Others claim the same for witchcraft. CUUPs, or the Covenant of Unitarian-Universalist Pagans, are surely all very nice people, and God surely loves trees because S/He made so many of them, and hugging trees is fine, and fertility rites under the full moon are probably a lot of fun, but if it's polytheism, then it's probably not Unitarianism - just sayin'. There can be only One, as the saying goes.
A review of California's Unitarian Universalist congregations, today, suggests the church has allowed itself to get drawn into an attempt to literally sanctify the act of men inserting their penises in one another's organs of digestion and elimination, also known as 'sodomy'.
Y'all can say all the mean things you want about us, but the odds are good that as a young man who grew up in San Francisco we know a whole lot more about sodomy and sodomites than you'll ever know, dear reader.
Imagine, for instance, having to walk past a gay hot tub facility, on your way to work, every morning, and seeing the personnel hosing all the semen and bodily fluids off the rubber mats, and into the gutter, out front. That's a public health hazard.
Or imagine riding the streetcar through the Castro Street station at 7:30 every Monday morning and being forced to recognize the distinct scent of santorum - eau de Frisco, critical for attracting new partners - as a hundred fabulously groomed and dressed young homosexuals crowd into the car (standing room only) on their way to work, and the doors close. That's a public health hazard, too. Who wants to knowingly breathe an aerosol composed of machine lubricant and human fecal matter? Not us.
This being California, we recognize that it is not a cost-effective use of the state's resources to regulate what consenting adults do to one another in the privacy of their own domiciles with the assistance of petroleum jelly and a variety of strangely-shaped silicone rubber objects and battery-powered devices. We continue to marvel at some of the more novel applications wireless technology is put to.
We don't think any Unitarian ministers in the big cities where all the homosexuals flock to, walk to work; and we don't think their commutes lead them past gay sex bathhouses or require them to ride streetcars through regions of their city where everyone is (for lack of better terms) either a twink, a fudge-packer, or both, at 0730 Monday morning. They have a lot to learn.
Now, let's get serious for a moment.
We can say with confidence that a significant percentage of the homosexual and bisexual population in California (and elsewhere) is Jewish. This may have something to do with the film industry in southern California, or perhaps a misplaced tolerance for difference in northern California - which has become a dumping ground for the nation's problem children.
The prevalence of homosexuality amongst Jewish men may be related to the trauma of circumcision and the actions of the mohel, who is required to draw a drop of blood from the wounded male child - some still "follow the traditional practice of doing it by mouth" (literal quote from Wikipedia), and it is not clear what the long term consequences of this (or any other) oral-genital contact between a mature, bearded man and a newborn infant boy are or how it affects the newborn boy's psyche. But the question needs to be asked. And answered, authoritatively.

The failure of the Unitarian-Universalist Church's legions of under-employed (and predominantly female) ministers-cum-sex-therapists to roll up their sleeves and go to the heart of this issue of predominantly Jewish, but creeping, homosexuality and sodomy does not speak well for their ability to solve complex social issues.
Why are we trying to solve a fundamentally Jewish problem, anyway? Don't we have enough problems of our own? This entire debate about gay 'rights' can be recast as a power struggle - between media-savvy Jewish homosexuals, and their Orthodox Jewish rabbis, who won't sanction pederasty - with the rest of us condemned to play various supporting roles in a struggle that none of us wants to be involved in, in the first place.
We think the rainbow banners need to be disposed of. If we want to see the beauty of a rainbow, we can install some prisms. It's time to clean house. We need to return to The Light.
To the degree that the UU community ignores the very words in the Bible and other sacred books which explain very clearly how, and why, sexual acts that are intended to result in the creation of life can and should be distinguished from sexual acts that involve violation, injurious treatment, irreverence and premeditated transgression against virtue, it seems, to us, that our community loses the authority of the Bible, and becomes just another populist, rent-seeking rainbow social club.
Have we lost our way?
Perhaps the Unitarian-Universalist Church needs to rediscover the concept of sin. Some things are good for our souls. Some things are not. Churches exist to help us learn to distinguish between good, and evil - not to learn how to achieve better orgasms.
'The inherent worth and dignity of every person' is not at dispute. Sexual relationships, even long-term ones, aren't persons. Sodomy doesn't belong in a church. The whole idea of creating a church or even a government is to create a safe space for virtue, not a safe space for sodomy. Sodomy is not a virtue.
Maybe we need to redraw some boundaries. Rediscover our Unitarian-Universalist roots.
It is perhaps too easy to gain access to Unitarian resources. All those non-governmental organizations and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations soliciting donations every Sunday - do you know who is on the board of directors? Do you know who manages the website? Who makes the hiring decisions? Do they have children? Where do they send their kids for education? That will tell you a lot.
Leon Salanave would have never brought his new family back to San Francisco if he had had any idea of what a sewer the Bay Area would turn into. He had a perfectly good position working for the University of Arizona, in Tucson, doing lightning research.
Leon probably would have never brought his children to the San Francisco Unitarian Church, either, if he had had any idea it would become the magnet for sexual deviancy that it is, today.
The adulterers
At some point, our stepfather, Leon Salanave, figured out that his wife, Penny Salanave - whose children Leon was helping to raise to adulthood - had allowed herself to be corrupted by Herbert Runyon's money and influence.
Leon's first wife hadn't been much better, abandoning Leon for a dental student who took Leon's wife and Leon's two small children away to Idaho. There are many indications that Leon spent most of his adult life coping with post-traumatic stress disorder that resulted from this first divorce and the loss of his two small children.
But when it happened, again, we don't think Leon knew what to do. Who among us does? There are no instructional manuals for this sort of thing. Every situation is different. Leon was 75 years old. Perhaps as long as Penny was discreet, he did not have to think about it and could remain in a state of denial.
It seems possible that Penny flaunted her relationship with Herbert Runyon. After all, how else would it get back to Leon? People in the Unitarian Church saw things, and began talking. It ate away at Leon. At the age of 75, he started drinking brandy ... every day ... early in the afternoon.

Our sense is that Herbert Runyon pressured Penny Salanave to demand a divorce from Leon Salanave so she could marry him, Herbert, and inherit his million dollars - and, also, so that Herbert could have his revenge upon Leon.
Our younger brother, John Wesley, first advanced this theory; but we have spent years considering it, and we think it makes the most sense. It is likely that our younger brother's theory is based upon information he received from Leon, to whom he was very close.
In 1991, Penny and Leon traveled to Baja California to see a total solar eclipse. Acrimony ensued.
So it seems possible, in January 1993, that Herbert Runyon staked out our home and waited for Leon to leave it; followed Leon; confronted Leon, affirmed, to Leon, in the most confrontational and insulting manner possible, that he was fucking Penny Salanave ... had been putting his penis inside Leon's wife, for years, maybe for over a decade, behind Leon's back ... that Penny had been lying to Leon, all that time ... that Penny loved Herbert ... and that Penny, by implication, despised Leon - which the events in Baja California also suggested.
It would be very simple: all Herbert would need to say to Leon is that the lips that Leon had kissed last night had been wrapped around Herbert's skinny cock yesterday afternoon. Things would never be the same.
Perhaps this would explain why Leon Edward Salanave allegedly walked into traffic, and was struck by a car - or so we were told.
After a day or two of agonizing pain in the emergency ward, and multiple amputations, Leon died of his injuries - leaving us struggling to understand what had just happened.
Oracle Corporation: Theft, deceit, perjury, concealing evidence & witnesses ... and murder?
Perhaps it wasn't Herbert Runyon who provoked Leon Salanave to step into traffic.
Here we take a major discursion into the swamp of Bay Area and Northern California politics - the land where Kamala 'Slick Willy' Harris and Gavin 'Nuisance' Newsom flowered into the influence brokers that they are, today. We apologize but we think it is necessary in order to grasp the full story of Leon Salanave's suspicious death.

At the time that Leon Salanave died, we were employed at Oracle Corporation ... and a rabidly Zionist Oracle vice-president by the name of Robert Miner was trying to engineer our fraudulent termination - not for the first time, either.
In essence, we had been placed in a position, by VP Miner and his Zionist friends, where we had been forced to blow the whistle on the activities of Oracle's Human Resources department, in an email to our own coworkers. A lawsuit was brewing.
Had there been a lawsuit, just then, Oracle Corporation would have lost.
Oracle Corporation, guided by VP Robert Miner, committed a felony hate crime - then, they concealed their multiple felonies from discovery, by committing additional felonies - concealing and withholding evidence, concealing and withholding witnesses, and by repeatedly and wilfully lying to San Mateo Superior Court - a premeditated and extensive act of criminal conspiracy and deceit we have every reason to believe continues, up until the present. This is an undisputed fact.
The entire Jewish community would have lost face - it was only a month or two later that the Anti-Defamation League's theft of databases from the San Francisco Police Department and the ADL's role in an international spying scandal hit the newspapers, nationwide.
An enormous amount of time and effort has gone into removing the relevant materials that document this state of affairs from the Internet. But here are a few links to get you started, if you're interested:
- New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge : Inquiry: Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups., April 13, 1993
- Criminal investigation and successful civil lawsuits against the ADL over privacy right violations - 1992-1993
In a nutshell, "Roy 'Cal' Bullock was secretly on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) payroll for forty years as an undercover 'investigator' reporting to New York ADL chief research officer Irwin Suall. Bullock compiled files, including information he could not legally possess" - that is, a spying operation on the entire United States population was being financed and controlled from New York's ADL offices, that involved corrupting local police officers, coast to coast, and stealing government files - not just files but entire databases, we think, and probably concealing significant transfers of revenue from the IRS, as well.
Our best guess is that the Anti-Defamation League used Oracle software and was an Oracle customer and that Oracle Corporation was a co-conspirator in the theft of these databases. Occam's Razor points directly at Oracle Corporation as the service provider.
A few months after we filed our lawsuit against Oracle Corporation, in San Mateo Superior Court, Oracle VP Robert 'Bob' Miner died of a fast-acting cancer. This was surely convenient for Larry Ellison, Oracle Corporation, and perhaps the CIA, too. Clearly, Bob Miner was a loose cannon.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it must be said: there can be no compromise with such people.
We suspect that Larry Ellison's frequent blood changes are an artifact of past poisonings.
Perhaps now we all know why Larry Ellison is hiding, on Lana'i. We think Larry Ellison has blood on his hands.
Robert Malone recently published an article at the Brownstone Institute website, on the topic of search engine manipulation effects, or SEME - see Google has Usurped Democracy.
In the article, Mr Malone quotes Robert Epstein, the primary investigator behind the paper - The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections.
Mr Epstein describes receiving warnings from a journalist and then from a district attorney that he is likely to be killed - followed by his wife dying, in suspicious circumstances, in an auto accident.
Coincidence? You decide. (See, also, this.)
We think that Oracle Corporation has employed so many relentlessly vile managers for so long that it would perhaps be a miracle if Leon Salanave's death - and maybe a few others - were not accidents.
To grasp that Leon's death occurred within a very short period of a few days - during which your humble author, Leon Salanave's middle son, was suspended from work ... our stepfather was killed ... and a variety of other legally questionable events targeting our family occurred, simultaneously - is to slowly grasp the fact that a criminal conspiracy was being enacted.
The discovery of Oracle's stolen, concealed and withheld electronic mails, thirty years later, proves what, at the time, was only a theory - that there was and continues to be a criminal conspiracy surrounding the details of Leon Salanave's death.
Was Leon Salanave accidentally murdered by someone simply trying to derail our lawsuit? Ask the California Department of Justice. Or Juana Schurman - she still has a license to practice law, can you believe that?
At stake: Oracle Corporation's ISO 9000 certification as well as their ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 and all subsequent certifications permitting the corporation's various subsidiaries to participate in government contracts, around the world - thirty years of revenue, all based on lies, deceptions, and premeditation at the highest levels. Layer after layer after layer of festering corruption.
Oracle can mount no defense against these accusations because the corporation itself tampered with its own investigation and ordered its own employees to conceal and destroy the very evidence the corporation would need to prove itself not guilty, today.
All evidence now suggests that Larry Ellison, Raymond Ocampo, and Juana Schurman, as well as our former managers, Patricia McElroy and Burt Demchick, should have been imprisoned.
Burt Demchick is an excellent subject for further attention. In 1991 he was a database administrator. In 1992 he was manager of a team of sysadmins and DBAs. In 1993 after we were terminated, he quit. Oracle hired him back. After he testified against us it is our understanding that Burt Demchick was promoted to vice president. Based on information and belief, after a few more years of this Burt had accumulated so much money that he decided to leave Oracle and start a cafe - we think it was in the Mission District of San Francisco. That worked until COVID came and we think the cafe was shut down. Burt needed a job and so he applied to Salesforce. Salesforce apparently had no problem with the fact that he knew nothing about the current version of Oracle, hadn't worked with databases for ten or twenty years ... and, had lied, with years of premeditation, to the San Mateo Superior Court, under oath ... and plugged Burt Demchick right into Salesforce like he was family.
Sybase Corporation: More theft, deceit & corruption
Astonishingly, even after we left Oracle, the persecution continued. Although we lived in a ridiculously safe neighborhood, our bicycle was stolen. One night, our car battery was stolen. This continued until we moved.
The persecution resumed when we began to work at Sybase Corporation.
Our first application for employment, in 1993, was sabotaged.
Our second application, to a different manager, in 1995, was accepted; but at our first company meeting, when John Gilmer introduced us to the entire company as 'Dick' (which is not a name we are known by) we received the first of many warnings that all was not well at Sybase.

Studying the organizational chart of the corporation we slowly gathered that, again, the owners, the managers, and the employees were mostly Jewish; and, also, that those who were not Jewish were, essentially, second-class citizens of the corporate 'family'.
The following story is instructive.
When we joined Sybase they were experiencing growing pains. Their computer room was maxed out, the racks crammed full of hardware, and a new data center was being built in an adjacent building. But the prospect of relocating hundreds of immobilized and intimately interdependent UNIX servers and conceivably rendering their business units idle for days or weeks terrified the management.
By this point in our career we had nearly ten years of experience as a UNIX systems administrator, including relocating entire computer rooms. We felt confident that so long as there was reliable power and properly configured network connections at the new locations for the machines we were responsible for, we would have no problem shutting down our machines, disassembling them, physically relocating them, and bringing them back online, on schedule.
Our biggest concern was making sure that we reconnected the external components correctly - the computer room was a tangled jungle of SCSI and Ethernet cables, and the back of each server was a snake's nest of wiring; rack space was at a premium, and most servers had additional storage arrays, that had been subsequently installed in remote equipment racks, so that one physical computer was scattered across several racks and its cabling interwoven with the cabling of half a dozen other, similar servers. Removing one cable without interfering with the operation of any of these other computers was not unlike playing a game of Pick-Up Sticks.
So we went to Radio Shack and bought a package of colored electrical tape and tagged all of our computers' cables and connectors with matching segments of tape - red to red, green to green, yellow to yellow, so that plugging our servers back together would be child's play.
Having completed all of the machines we were responsible for, we went ahead and tagged all of the other machines our group was responsible for, as an act of kindness. Then, finding that we still had tape left, we went ahead and tagged every device plugged into every single port in every single server in that entire computer room. It probably took us a week or two; and a second trip to Radio Shack, for more tape.
We also recall doing a company-wide analysis of NFS dependencies, indexing each NFS server's relevance to the overall computing infrastructure by the number of NFS clients it served; fundamentally, this involved isolating NFS clusters and rescheduling the downtime and relocation of each cluster, as a group, rather than moving machines individually. This approach turned the six-week-long drama-riddled data center relocation into six weekend block parties.
(NFS protip: if you remote-mount your NFS filesystems, soft, with retries, retransmits, and maybe timeouts set to appropriately high values, you can create a window of opportunity for maintenance, of arbitrary width - we recommend 72 hours, that's usually enough time to have hardware fail, call your technical support representative, arrange for the new part to be airshipped overnight, meet the field engineer the next day, install the new part, and still have 24 hours left to handle any software problems that emerge - where your NFS clients won't lock up when an NFS server goes offline AND you will not lose any data from pending transactions from your NFS clients, just as if it were an NFS hard mount. We developed this methodology - in conjunction with our coworker, Dr Peter Schachte - nearly forty years ago, at Quintus. NFS-based supercomputer cluster administrators, take note; all of the UNIX/Linux clustering software we have worked with mounts NFS filesystems hard, and we predict that your entire NFS cluster and all its NFS clients lock up every time you reboot one of your NFS servers. With this one small change you might eliminate 75% of your downtime, or more.)
Needless to say, our work, at Sybase, did not go unnoticed by our peer UNIX systems administrators, who wanted to know what we were doing messing around behind the servers they were responsible for and were universally delighted to see us carefully tracing each and every cable in the entire room of what we estimate were perhaps three hundred distinct UNIX servers, and color-coding each cable to its matching socket in the chassis, in anticipation of the big move. Ignoring power cords, Ethernet cables, and RS232 console terminal cables, we estimate that we patiently traced and color-coded at least a thousand cable/socket pairs - that works out to about five hundred pairs per week, or one hundred pairs per day, or about ten pairs per hour, or one cable/socket pair every five or six minutes - just sayin'.
Nor did our work go unnoticed by David Pinho, our manager - who had hired us precisely because we had broad and deep experience and were extremely proactive. We informed him of what we were doing, opened a ticket in the tracking system to document the time we were spending on the project, and submitted a request for compensation for the tape we'd bought at Radio Shack, too, if we recall correctly.
John Gilmer's administrative assistant was assigned to make a movie out of the data center relocation - which took six weeks to complete, and proceeded very smoothly - for playing at shareholder meetings. She did, and, after the data center relocation, it was shown to the data center personnel who had participated in the work.
We were astonished to see that we had been excluded from the movie. Every other person in the department was seen in the movie, but our humble self. Apparently we were being stigmatized, again.
We could only conclude that John Gilmer's administrative assistant had been explicitly instructed to systematically exclude us, and our contributions, from the video documentation she had been ordered to create. It was as if we were a nobody, who had never existed.
As we analyze it, someone in Sybase's management team hated us so much that they were willing to lie to their own shareholders in order to try to hurt us, by erasing us from existence.
This is not leadership. We think it is mental illness. We think this sort of insane behavior will continue until we stop deceiving ourselves about the true nature of this sort of conduct. Y'all need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Poland seems to have a lot of experience dealing with Ashkenazi drama, LOL:
"Psychopathic behavior is usually very distinctive - it is characterized by impulsiveness, stupidity, and errors due to an attention span limited by emotional disorder."
The Investigation, by Stanislaw Lem [translated by Adele Milch]
David Pinho being the kind of manager he was, we think it is almost certain that he submitted us for a bonus, for the work we did, preparing the data center for relocation. But we received nothing. Others received our bonus, for the work we did - again, just as had happened at Oracle, a few years before.
It was after Sybase's data center relocation that David Pinho started looking for work elsewhere. He ended up employed as Director of IT with Silicon Graphics - a real win for SGI.
We infer that John Gilmer and his niggardly management team were trying to teach us some sort of lesson ... but, honestly, all John Gilmer did was telegraph to the entire information technology department that it wasn't what you did, it was who you knew, that determined what sort of bonus you received - if any. That surely destroyed the morale of the entire department. What a buffoon.
After we filed a lawsuit against Oracle, Oracle's Legal Department apparently informed Sybase (their ostensible competitor in the database marketplace), and Sybase's management set about to create circumstances to fraudulently terminate us, as well - an effort that, we were reliably informed, was overseen by Ken Goldman (CFO of Sybase, but, strangely, it's not mentioned on either of his two LinkedIn profiles, which now reveal him to be a not-so-secret Oracle fanboi - hmm), John Gilmer (Director of IT, later CIO, now CFO of WineDirect - we hope Mr Gilmer is better at finance than he is at information technology), and Alberto Montemayor, who replaced David Pinho as our manager and oversaw our termination, in 1996.
(And, while we're on the topic of politicized workplace management ... why is it that the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement focuses on Israeli companies while totally ignoring the American companies that fund the Zionist enterprise? It would be ironic if the churches being driven out of Palestine were buying their sacramental wines from a vendor whose management donated to Zionist causes, and paying for their own destruction. Do you think these web-based, subscription-economy-based companies can survive on just purchases from Jewish-American consumers of their services? Where do you think all this money is coming from? Think again. Your dollars are votes - or maybe bullets. Make each one count. The Power is yours. Perhaps we should be boycotting Lana'i ... Hollywood ... Silicon Valley ... and Wall Street.)
It's not clear why Ken Goldman or John Gilmer disliked us so much, in 1995 - or even 1993 - that they wanted to terminate our employment.
Ken Goldman has never met us or spoken to us or communicated with us about anything, ever. We met with John Gilmer, once, very briefly, when Sybase was preparing to hire us, in 1993, before Sybase's Human Resources Department abruptly broke off communications. John Gilmer would almost certainly know why. Ditto for Michael Bembenek - who had a great deal of influence with upper management, and interviewed us, at John Gilmer's request - and Benjamin von Ullrich.
Why would a second publicly traded corporation undertake to fraudulently terminate a valuable member of their team, in response to their employee filing a lawsuit against a first publicly traded corporation - incidentally, their biggest competitor - alleging fraudulent termination? It only makes sense if the two supposedly independent corporations are not in fact independent of one another. It implies conspiracy, in the legal sense.
Once again, we see the bizarre spectacle of a publicly traded company whose management was packed with people who had been selected for their loyalty to Jewish political agendas rather than their loyalty to their shareholders or their reputation for technological and managerial excellence.
It gets worse.
Based on information and belief, Alberto Montemayor came to Sybase from BioRad - where, sources told us, he had been putting his penis inside his secretary or one of his direct reports, and had abandoned his wife and his son.
His activities, it was said, had come to the attention of BioRad's Human Resources Department ... leading to Mr Montemayor's departure.
This was the exemplar that Sybase's management recruited to replace David Pinho, from outside the company, to oversee their highly trained information technology employees and guide them in their professional development - this was the best that John Gilmer and Liz Marin (our Human Resources liaison) could do. Clearly, promoting from within was not an option.
Lacking evidence to the contrary, we would predict the exact same sort of social order exists at Apple, and Google, and Facebook, and Twitter, and X, and PayPal, and Meta, and FriendFinder, and PornHub, and OnlyFans, and Craigslist, and Salesforce, and every other dot-com founded with Jewish money, large and small, even today - maybe the grotesquely misnamed Federal Reserve, and, too. Preferential hiring, preferred suppliers, preferred agencies and preferred agents, theft of bonuses, discreet kickbacks in many forms, and secretive back channels; mostly, between people who say they are Jewish. No one is in charge - there are only cliques, maneuvering for influence.
Some people describe this as a Jewish mafia. Jews, in moments of unguarded honesty, describe it as a 'our thing', or a 'Jewish thing'. Draw your own conclusions.
It's all massively illegal but the owners of the companies simply don't care because they know the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing (DFEH) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) don't care. The regulatory capture is complete.
Based on decades of first hand experience:
Work Year Earnings
Taxed for
Social SecurityEarnings
Taxed for
Medicare1966-1980 $930 $930 1981-1990 $191,685 $191,685 1991-2000 $586,100 $618,018 2001-2005 $223,576 $239,008 2006 $30,345 $30,345 2007 $62,890 $62,890 2008 $9,977 $9,977 2009 $0 $0 2010 $3,208 $3,208 2011 $52,796 $52,796 2012 $49,075 $49,075 2013 $24,900 $24,900 2014 $0 $0 2015 $17,697 $17,697 2016 $0 $0 2017 $0 $0 2018 $0 $0 2019 $0 $0 2020 $0 $0 2021 $0 $0 2022 $0 $0 2023 $0 $0 2024 $0 $0 Our yearly personal income data (Source:
... we can now say with confidence that this is what the Jewish-American community offers to non-Jewish North Americans when they claim to have "assimilated" - a grudging willingness to hire non-Jewish North American employees for non-management positions when no Jewish inlaws can be found to fill the role ... and an unnatural eagerness to replace every single one of these fellow North American employees with an H-1B, or someone cheaper, the moment it becomes possible.
We have had our employment and our professional and personal relationships influenced for over three decades now and we speak with authority.
Humboldt County CWS: Kidnapping under color of false authority
If you follow California news you may have read the Presiding Judge of the Humboldt County Superior Court, in California, was recently barred from the judiciary, forever; allegedly, for antisemitism. We think there's more to the story - much more. And nobody is talking about Jeffrey Blanck; who, it seems, is not dead, after all. Read on.

The same group of people who are suspected of involvement in our stepfather, Leon Salanave's, death, were overtly complicit in the medical kidnapping, under color of false authority, of our oldest daughter - Leon Salanave's grand-daughter - and the attempted kidnapping of her three sisters, under similarly fraudulent grounds.
We know it is the same group of people because their reaction to the events at Oracle is identical to the reaction of the participants in events at Oracle and because their reaction to the events at Oracle is also identical to the reaction of the participants in events at Sybase Corporation. The identical behavior betrays the possession of an identical value system and also the possession of an identical playbook - as will be seen.
In 2016, in California juvenile court case JV160250, in a Star Chamber hearing - barred to the public, with no jury, and with no witnesses to his actions - Judge Christopher Wilson ruled that our inadvertent admission - that we once referred to our oldest daughter's room, which she shared with her sister, as a "pig sty", while asking them to clean up - was an admission of child abuse, and that was all that he, Judge Wilson, needed, to take permanent custody of our oldest daughter ... a void in our family that persists, even today.
This action shocked the conscience of one of the county employees in the courtroom; this person informed Presiding Judge Joyce Heinrichs of Judge Christopher Wilson's insane verdict, and The Honorable Joyce Heinrichs confiscated JV160250 from The Honorable Christopher Wilson's docket - but it was too late, the damage had been done and the verdict could not be reversed, we were told.

Based on information and belief, Judge Christopher Wilson acted out of malice. Obviously, he was not alone. What we describe is a conspiracy amongst criminals - a premeditated assault, by Humboldt County employees, upon an innocent child's health and sanity - a disproportionate number of the participants, demonstrably Jewish.
This hearing was the conclusion to a bizarre sequence of events, starting in 2014, where our oldest daughter - a Humboldt County spelling bee champion - had been medically kidnapped by Humboldt County Child Welfare Services under false pretences that violated the California Health & Safety Code and contravened rules of evidence-based medicine, and held, incommunicado, for six months, in a private mental hospital two hundred miles away from her family.
Trying to figure out what had provoked all this we were reminded that our oldest daughter had asked us to explain why it was that her grandmother, Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon, had evicted us ... and we had referred her to the original article we had written, describing the events at Oracle Corporation and suggesting that she ask us questions after she had read that.
We now think that our child shared this allegedly antisemitic material - IE, our narrative of events at Oracle Corporation, from 1993 - with someone at Humboldt County's prestigious high school, Academy of the Redwoods - maybe a student, maybe a teacher, probably both - and that it got forwarded, via social media, and that someone decided to retaliate against the author, Your Humble Editor, by medically kidnapping our child - because it was also at the Academy of the Redwoods, perhaps a year later, that our daughter was taken into custody; after which, we were accused of child abuse.

We documented this sequence of events in an embarrassingly long declaration and filed it with Humboldt County Superior Court, in 2017, well after Judge Wilson's corrupt verdict. We also mentioned, in our declaration, that we were, for several years, a court-appointed foster parent for the City & County of San Francisco - a fact which Humboldt County's attorneys seemed to have missed, as they dug up thirty-year-old squabbles with clinically psychotic ex-girlfriends, we kid you not, and presented it, with straight faces, as evidence that, a quarter of a century later, we were unfit to be parents. Presiding Judge Heinrichs read our long declaration, and, suddenly, our relationship with Humboldt County Superior Court changed, as - six months too late - the court finally extended to us the courtesy of presuming our innocence.
Trying to understand why we did not have a jury, we at one point asked our lawyer if this was a criminal case or a civil case, and she could not answer.
In a criminal court there needs to be evidence for a charge to be brought. By carrying out a prosecution of behavior that most people would intuitively categorize as criminal in intent and therefore prejudicial, as a civil proceeding, instead of a criminal proceeding, the State of California has neatly sidestepped due process, evidence, witnesses, jury, and a public trial - although, strangely, we were provided with counsel.
Thus, the corrupt Legislature has given corrupt prosecutors and judges the power to do anything they want, in the privacy of their sealed courtrooms and "confidential" hearings, to anyone who is elderly (adult protective services; asset seizure is the name of the game) ... in an unhappy relationship (angry womens' groups; restraining orders and anger management classes - your anger, not theirs) ... or, with children (child protection services; confiscation, kidnapping, more restraining orders, and more anger management classes - all at your expense, comrade, the State needs more Prii).

Confused? We do not think this is an accident. We think this is a predictable extension of a pre-existing pattern of governmental abuse that has already been in existence for over forty years in California's we-make-it-up-as-we-go-along Family Court system, where temporary restraining orders are issued under civil rules ... but violations of the restraining orders have criminal consequences.
Those unfortunate enough to have been recipients of civil restraining orders are treated prejudicially by the police, as if they were convicted criminals - one is searched at traffic stops, one's car is illegally searched, one's house is searched, one is stripped of weapons, stripped of the right to defend oneself and the responsibility of being able to defend others, and one is forbidden from entering certain spaces - all without due process or even evidence of wrongdoing ... all based on hearsay testimony from, usually, a single, prejudiced witness ... almost always, a woman that the accused was formerly in an intimate relationship with.
This is lawfare, not law enforcement, and it is aimed at men - who are being scapegoated, turned against one another, and preyed upon - but it is dividing and conquering us all, and, like we said, we don't think this is a coincidence - we think this is an undeclared civil war; a Secret War against, mostly, white men. Transfer of assets, and disempowerment, are the goals; every man must have a criminal record, so they can be influenced.
Over time we have grown to suspect that the phrase 'domestic violence' is not organic so much as it is the product of dozens or hundreds of focus groups and much ongoing market research, and that it was and is intended to become a wedge by which society could be fragmented, from the very beginning. Interestingly, most of this work was done forty years ago and the people who did that work are now gone, replaced by people who are using the same playbook but do not really understand how it works.
We see confirmation of this analysis in the recycling of the phrase, 'domestic violence' - coined by the Democratic Party in the 1980s - into the new phrase, 'domestic violent extremist'. The trigger, it would seem, is those first four or five syllables - enormous capital has been invested in programming North Americans to react to those syllables and the US government, in lockstep with the Democratic Party, has no intention of seeing that investment wasted.
(Despite our seemingly negative attitude towards the Democratic Party, we are not a Republican, or a member of any other party. We are a small-i independent voter who votes their conscience.)
The responsibility for this state of affairs lies with the California Legislature - but also with the legions of family lawyers monetarizing interpersonal conflict, and especially the California State Bar, which licenses idiots, or criminals, whom accidentally, or purposefully, confuse civil and criminal law - which obviously includes a voting majority of the California Legislature, most of whom are lawyers.
Trying to figure out when this all began, we are led unerringly to the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA - an astonishingly bigoted piece of Democrat-supported legislation which, in 1993, asserted that women were incapable of violence and that men were responsible for everything bad.
Lacking evidence to the contrary, we think that VAWA's passage, in 1993, marks the beginning of what we propose should be considered the United States' American Nakba - when our country's population was assaulted, from within, and betrayed, by lawyers, who corrupted our legal system - seeking to divide and also disarm, and thereby conquer us. In other words, it was a surreptitious act of war.
But make no mistake - if, like many Americans, you are concerned about the weaponization of justice, then it follows, logically, that whatever has been metastasizing at the Federal level has almost certainly occurred at the state and county level as well, and for much longer - and it is all connected. This is how these treacherous people achieved and retain control - by prosecuting everyone, so that everyone can be influenced.
The solution would appear to be buying a Toyota Hilux, that is, we meant to say, civilian oversight or perhaps replacement of the California State Bar - which has shown itself to be about as effective at doing its job as the Secret Service is, at protecting presidential candidates. Instead of civics we should perhaps teach civil law to our children ... and perhaps we should start earlier. But we digress.
After we filed a complaint against prosecuting county attorney Debra Avenmarg with the California State Bar Association and she resigned from the case and transferred to an entirely different department of the county, we learned that her coworker, Rory Kalin, and her former boss, Jeffrey Blanck, Humboldt County Attorney, had filed a request for a temporary restraining order against Your Humble Editor, to keep us from seeing our daughter - which was a totally meaningless and redundant act, insofar as we already couldn't see our daughter - and so we construed it as a premeditated act of humiliation intended to expose us to unprovoked searches and false arrests.
Surprisingly, Judge Heinrichs agreed with us and refused to sign the request. It was at this time that Jeffrey Blanck was first revealed as the highest legal authority involved in this case. All evidence currently in our possession suggests that Jeffrey Blanck was responsible for the kidnapping, under false color of authority, of our oldest daughter by Humboldt County Child Welfare Services. ... But he had help.
For more information, please see
As our star rose, Jeffrey Blanck's star fell, and so by 2018 the county was trying to rid itself of Jeffrey Blanck. In August 2020 the county paid Jeffrey $600,000 to go away.
A few days later, our younger brother - Leon's youngest son - was found dead, in Fortuna. We were told that the body had sat on the couch in the August heat for three to six days. Off the record an officer told us that Fortuna PD had known about the body for three days before they collected it. We infer either malice or a deliberate attempt to conceal medical evidence may have been at play.
We think it was murder. With our assistance, our younger brother had finally collected his inheritance from the Salanave-Runyon estate (for reasons that have never been explained, we were mysteriously disinherited); and according to bank statements, he had withdrawn a large amount of cash from his ATM account, in the days before his death. John Wesley's wallet showed stretch marks from holding a thick wad of cash - but the wallet had been emptied. Strangely, neither Fortuna Police Department or Humboldt County Sheriff's Office were interested in either the empty wallet or the pattern of recent withdrawls.
While we are on the topic of mysterious disinheritances, we take this moment to point out that neither the conservator, Thomas Childers, nor the executor, M. Franklin Parrish, ever informed us that we had either been disinherited, OR that we had been appointed as a trustee of the Salanave-Runyon estate. Based on information and belief, we think that one or both of these individuals lied, under oath, if they told the court they had informed us we were to be disinherited - they did not. We did not learn of this until a lawyer from Mechanics' Bank contacted us to tell us that we were now a trustee - and, also, by the way, that we had been disinherited, so that we would have no way to exercise our trusteeship.
We were then stripped of our trusteeship - again, without any notice.
This leads to an interesting series of questions.
Let us imagine that one establishes a trust. Let us say, one appoints family members to oversee this trust. Let us then assume that the lawyers managing the trust are dishonest - unthinkable, we know, but hear us out - and they, through devious means, strip the family members of their trusteeships and the resources necessary to defend the trust from a criminal takeover.
Who is now in control of the trust?
What can these person(s) do and what can they not do with the funds they are in control of?
What mechanisms exist to enforce these rules?
How is it possible for the public to oversee what is being done in their name?
How is it possible for family members - the intended recipients of the trust's resources - to regain control of their family's wealth?
These are very important questions because the answers affect us all - not just the wealthy. These lawyers and judges are conceivably in control of the entire court system and all of its hiring. How do you know they are not? The important hearings are all confidential. Everyone who cannot stomach what is being done has been driven out. Who is left?
The extraordinary cowardice and dishonesty displayed by those whose duty it was to inform us of these matters, but did not, implicates them as suspects in the chicanery that surrounds these extraordinary events. We do not think it impossible that the conservator helped provoke the medical kidnapping of his own niece - and we have no reason to exclude the executor, either. The whole matter cries out for the attention of a good lawyer. Unfortunately, we have no idea whom we can trust, and, of course, no money for lawyers. The very phrase, 'good lawyer' is very nearly an oxymoron.
Here you see the real face of California's civil law - lies, theft, abandonment and deceit, concealed behind a mask of false moral superiority and rectitude.
And now, back to our deceased, beefsteak-sitting-on-the-counter-in-90-degree-heat-for-three-plus-days younger brother.
Cleaning up, after the body had been removed, we found a small brown glass vial containing a white powder residue, in a gym bag, hidden in the ceiling. We infer that it is fentanyl or xylazine. We informed the Humboldt County Coroner's Office of our discovery, in writing, via electronic mail. They threatened us with arrest if we transported it to their office. They did not offer to collect the evidence. There the matter stands, today. (The Humboldt County Coroner's Office has a history of perjury - truly, the rot goes deep.)
We would affirm the truth of this statement under oath, if so required - all communications were via email, this is not hearsay evidence and the emails are already in the possession of the state, whose servers Humboldt County uses. But, rest easy, nobody cares, this will never happen, it will be business, as usual - all we have done is draw a target on our own back.

It need not be complicated. Fortuna is a small town. You are the only person in town who sells powdered drugs on a regular basis. The police leave you alone because you have pull with the Fortuna police chief and county DA - both fellow Jews, who claim you as an informant - making you bulletproof to both law enforcement and competition. Then, in 2018, the DA gets fired. In January 2020, the police chief retires. In August 2020, the ex-DA settles his lawsuit for 'way less than he wanted. Word comes down, it's related to that Fortuna girl CWS grabbed. You live in Fortuna. You know one of the family. You know he just inherited $$$$$$ and is flashing cash. Maybe you have sold him coke. You know you aren't going to be bulletproof much longer. The now ex-DA says he doesn't care what you do. So you overdose your coke customer with something that's not cocaine, empty his fat wallet, and leave. What's he going to do - call the cops? LOL. Three days later there are cops outside the place, like flies on shit, and you get scared - but it's too late, he's dead. Fortunately the cops are still loyal to the DA and so one of them covers up the murder by delaying discovery of the body and processing of the crime scene, maybe even empties the ashtrays and throws away the cigarette butts, and it all blows over - nobody guesses a thing, just another fentanyl overdose in the family-friendly City of Fortuna.
When we ponder the professional arc of Jeffrey Blanck, former Humboldt County attorney, we wonder: was Jeffery Blanck what they call a 'Soros DA'?
(See, also, Internews, USAID, and Arcata: A Quiet Office Sparks a National Firestorm, USAID Funded Massive 'News' Platform, Extending 'Censorship Industrial Complex' To Billions Worldwide, and InterNews - A Soros, CIA, Mossad Enterprise of Subjugation, and this tweet from @DataRepublican, for more on the Internews and Soros threads.)
Sadly, Jeffrey Blanck allegedly died of a stroke, in New Mexico, in 2022 - although the California State Bar Association only says that he is not licensed to practice law and does not say that he is deceased, leading one to wonder if perhaps Mr Blanck schlepped across the border and changed his name and if the California State Bar perhaps knows more than the Times-Standard. Is he a fugitive? Did Jeffrey Blanck make aliyah? Is he now in Israel, kidnapping Palestinian children? Is it time for INTERPOL to take over? Stay tuned.
We attempted to contact the Humboldt County Bar Association to get a response to the news that the California State Bar Association does not report Jeffrey Blanck as 'deceased' - but it looks like the county bar association's website has been wiped clean. (Update: the Humboldt County Bar Association has since this article was written, published a website that actually lists every member and actually serves the public. It took them twenty years. Note that there is no email address, hence, no way to ask them about anything short of sending them a USPS certified mail. It would seem there is still room for improvement.)
We think Jeffrey Blanck had something to do with the employment of Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees as well - Mr Rees has come to the attention of Humboldt County's citizens by hanging the Israeli flag outside his fourth-floor office window, on the county courthouse, itself, in Eureka - apparently confusing an office provided to him by the county, with his front lawn, and involving the county in his oath of fealty to a foreign nation.
Sadly, Fortuna Police Chief William Dobberstein allegedly committed suicide in Fortuna, in 2022, just a few months before ex-DA Blanck allegedly died of a stroke, in New Mexico. We say 'allegedly' because we have not personally seen evidence of Mr Dobberstein's death and because we surmise that a police chief, not unlike a district attorney, might know a thing or two about faking one's death, changing one's name, and leaving the country - particularly if one had multiple passports and had made preparations beforehand.
We think Cyndy Day-Wilson may be mixed up in this. Cyndy Day-Wilson represented Jeffrey Blanck in his lawsuit against Humboldt County, alleging that he was the victim of antisemitism. She also represented Rory Kalin in a similar lawsuit. Before this, she was, herself, City Attorney for the City of Eureka. What's unknown is why she is no longer City Attorney.
Based on information and belief we personally think that Cyndy Day-Wilson may have interfered with the search for candidates for the position of Eureka Police Department Information Technology support personnel; that this attempt to influence the selection became known to her employers; leading to a loss of confidence, and a loss of employment, not unlike that which happened to Jeffrey Blanck. We don't expect the true reason to be recorded in her personnel file, either - it will probably officially be something like "mutual agreement".
We are curious about Cyndy Day-Wilson's relationship to Judge Christopher Wilson. If, for example, Cyndy Day-Wilson were related to Christopher Wilson ... and if Christopher Wilson shared confidential information acquired during a Juvenile Court hearing closed to the public with Cyndy Day-Wilson ... and if Cyndy Day-Wilson then used that illegally acquired and confidential Juvenile Court information to influence employment decisions being made by the City of Eureka ... this would indicate that The Honorable Christopher Wilson's verdict, in this one case, was tainted by prejudice; his conduct, a product of malice; and that a rehearing was required.

Based on information and belief, we think Paul Hagen may be mixed up in this as well. Mr Hagen oversaw a malicious and very well documented six-month long Ellis Act eviction that forced us out of Humboldt County in 2023. By our estimate, Mr Hagen's eviction cost the new owners of the complex three times as much and took three times as long as simple arbitration between equals would have, in California civil case CV2201861.
We are curious about Paul Hagen's relationship to Debra Patton-Hagen, the Humboldt County Child Welfare Services employee who affirmed under oath that our other three children had been abused without ever actually meeting or interviewing them, in Humboldt County's aborted attempt to kidnap the rest of our children - see California juvenile court case JV160275 for details.
We complained to California's Board of Behavioral Sciences about Debra Patton-Hagen's perjury. According to the California Department of Consumer Affairs, the status of Debra Diane Patton Hagan's 'ASSOCIATE CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER' license, is 'CANCELLED'. We suspect that is bureaucratese for "mutual agreement".
The same search reports that "Debra Diane Patton Hagan" is now studying to be a nurse. We would not personally recommend placing anyone's life or wellbeing in Debra Patton-Hagen's hands. Based on information and belief, we think that she may be without a conscience.
(Despite the differently spelled last name this is the same person because the licensee is located in Eureka, Humboldt County, zip code 95501. We think the misspelled last name is an amateurish attempt to confound database lookups and perhaps obscure Debra Patton-Hagen's relationship to Paul Hagen. Usually, we strive to apply Hanlon's Razor to such situations; but in these unusual circumstances, we instead advise people to 'distrust and verify'. Nothing should be assumed to be an accident or a coincidence until it has been proven objectively, with tangible exhibits and undisputed facts.)
There is, in the CV2201861 case file, an entire declaration dedicated to discussing the question of Paul Hagen using the eviction as a weapon of retaliation, filed, in a timely manner, on the morning of the hearing - a declaration which The Honorable Timothy Canning carefully refused to read, in court. Judge Canning was just promoted to Assistant Presiding Judge of the Humboldt County Superior Court - proving, yet again, in our opinion, that Crime Pays.
Rory Kalin is still causing trouble for people, counties, and even the State of California. He was at some sort of party for lawyers on a houseboat and it seems possible that he was drinking; regardless, he fell into the water and turned into a drama queen and accused a Humboldt County judge at the party of calling him a "Jew-boy" and pushing him. Good work, if so.
We think this is the back story behind the lynch mob that attacked and destroyed Judge Kreis' judicial career - the signs of mobbing clearly betray the synthetic, organized nature of the accusations ... it was a character assassination, by the same sort of people who oversaw our character assassination, and for similar reasons.
By the way, we think Judge Kreis is Jewish, too.
This is a very important aspect - because it suggests that, in the minds of the Judge's accusers, 'anti-Semitic' and 'anti-Zionist' are indistinguishable. (But for public use, the much more inflammatory term, 'anti-Semitic', is vastly preferred.)
And so we see that Judge Kreis' real crime was, perhaps, investigating the Zionization and weaponization of his branch of the California Superior Court - which, as Presiding Judge, would surely be one of his primary responsibilities.

(If the California Department of Justice actually wanted to roll up a network of influence peddlers in action, they could start by identifying every single person who, as a participant in a [suspected] political character assassination, simultaneously complained about Judge Kreis, and then analyzing the web of communications, in reverse, until they had backtraced all of the connections between these persons and Rory Kalin. If Jeffrey Blanck is still alive it's not impossible that he is part of this web of communications and that Rory and Jeffrey are still in contact. Wouldn't that be a hoot.)
It's not impossible that this character assassination is part of a larger political agenda. Creating vacancies in an organizational chart so that one can place preferred candidates in positions to influence decisions and advance agendas is right out of Machiavelli.
Humboldt County is a backwoods county, full of backwoods lawyers - but the precedents set in Humboldt County can influence the entire State of California's judicial system ... and, as California, with its large and diverse population, is seen as a bellwether on social issues, many other states' legislatures slavishly copy California's legal decisions - so corruption in California will corrupt the legal systems of the entire United States, from coast to coast. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance. Y'all need to wake up.
We have actually observed Judge Kreis at work.
In 2023, our neighbor asked us to deliver a present to his daughter because he was in some sort of conflict with his ex. In so doing, we unknowingly violated a no-contact Domestic Violence™ so-called "temporary" restraining order his shrew of an ex had gotten against him, maliciously blocking him from all contact with his daughter, even indirectly via third parties such as Your Humble Author.
A few days later, HCSO took our neighbor into custody; leaving the apartment unlocked, and the back door open. Since that day, we had been feeding our neighbor's dog; we petitioned the court to release our downstairs neighbor so that he would not lose his apartment, and his dog. We explained what had happened and, with the public defender, we asked that our neighbor be released on probation. The judge agreed.
But even before that, in 2022 or perhaps 2021 Humboldt County's Civil Grand Jury had invited us to apply to serve on the Grand Jury and we had responded to the invitation, very negatively, in writing, citing our own experience with JV160250 and our conviction that the Grand Jury was useless and our desire to remain free to discuss Humboldt County's problems with the public - which service on the Grand Jury would criminalize.
We later learned that the Grand Jury was currently being overseen by Judge Kreis and so it seems possible, even likely, that Judge Kreis might have read our letter.
We recall being somewhat nervous when we entered his courtroom, for this reason, but we were not singled out for opprobrium, and, in retrospect, it seems entirely possible that our angry letter might have enlightened Judge Kreis to a previously unknown dimension of his workplace and contributed to the incident on the houseboat.
It's not clear that the incident on the houseboat even happened, as reported. Once one grasps the fact that one is dealing with deceptive individuals a much wider range of possibilities manifests. One could brush against one's intended target of deception and then pretend to have been pushed off balance, so that one dramatically fell in the water - SPLASH! - and a conscientious person might well assume that they did indeed accidentally nudge someone off balance. If there is still doubt, a previously prepared 'witness' or two could be used to dispel all doubts about what really happened. Only after months, or years, might one realize that one had been duped.
If the Presiding Judge of the Humboldt County Superior Court was preparing to have the Humboldt County Grand Jury investigate the Humboldt County Superior Court, itself - or some other sensitive target, such as the office of the County Attorney - some sort of decisive sabotage may have been seen as necessary to derail this plan.
Judge Kreis impressed us as a conscientious officer of the court. His forced retirement is, by our estimate, a loss for the entire State of California - premeditated destruction of a valuable asset of the State of California, one that took over half a century to bring to fruition, and not easily replaced. Someone should be punished.
We have observed Judge Canning at work, as well.
The way that Judge Canning queued our hearing at the very end of the session, after all of the other lawyers and participants had left the courtroom, so that there were no witnesses ... as well as the way that Judge Canning checked to make sure that nobody was monitoring the hearing remotely, via Zoom, before he called CV2201861 ... as well as the manner in which Judge Canning ignored or suppressed each and every irregularity in the case - who has ever heard of a court misplacing declarations before? - indicated, to us, that Judge Canning was a deceitful man with a large body of experience at corrupting the record, an exaggerated opinion of his own capabilities, and a low opinion of respondents.
Based upon our own direct personal experience, we cannot describe Judge Canning as either having a conscience or being conscientious.
How does this state of affairs benefit the citizens of the State of California? Answer: it doesn't.
We now return to the topic of the dual use paper weight that Herbert Runyon gave to Eleanora Salanave - which we characterized as a murder weapon.

If we infer that murder was already in Herbert Runyon's heart when he gave that apple-shaped murder weapon to Eleanora Salanave, in the late 1970s, two decades before Leon's unusual death ... then we can infer that a much larger population of his fellow Jews might have been aware of the situation vis-a-vis Herbert Runyon and Eleanora Salanave, than might otherwise be the case, if events had actually transpired as they had been described to Leon's other family members, in the days, weeks and months after Leon's death.
If we infer that a much larger population of Jews was acquainted with the situation between Herbert and Eleanora then we can infer overlap with the mostly Jewish population of Oracle Corporation and therefore draw the conclusion that someone saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by doing a favor for Herbert Runyon ... Bob Miner, VP of Oracle's Networking Division ... Larry Ellison ... or some combination thereof ... while also striking a mortal blow against Your Humble Editor, whom, Everyone Who Mattered agreed, was apparently some sort of anti-Semite and deserved whatever he got - human rights, free speech and criminal law be damned.
We put it to you bluntly, dear reader: a group of people who would not hesitate to kidnap a man's daughter; who would steal a man's bonuses and sabotage his employment; who would sabotage a man's family and steal his inheritance; and who would not hesitate to poison, rob, and perhaps murder a man's brother ... would also not hesitate to push that same man's father into traffic, for the same reasons - particularly when there was a million-dollar lawsuit at stake. Prove us wrong.
For all we know, the last thing Leon Salanave felt was the impact of an object not too dissimilar from the green apple with which we began this narrative, into the back of his head, before he was shoved into traffic from behind and run over so that the wound to his cranium was lost in the massive storm of physical damage that his body suffered, a few seconds later.
Based on the preceding information, some might conclude that there are, amongst us, those who could be described as religious or political zealots - we suggest the term 'fifth column'; that these individuals, in their shared zeal, engage in felonious acts to advance their agendas; and, as a consequence, that there are grounds to suspect that Leon Salanave was stalked and murdered by such one or more such zealots; possibly, someone employed by Oracle Corporation.
There is, in fact, such an agency that precisely fits the above description - the JDL (Jewish Defense League), a group of enforcers and terrorists supported by the United States' Jewish population. We think Antifa may be the name by which the organization is best known, today.
Based on information and belief, we conclude that Robert Miner - vice-president at Oracle Corporation - and Herbert Runyon - employee of the San Francisco Federal Reserve - were both members of the Jewish Defense League.
Did money change hands? It seems almost certain.
Leon Salanave died. Oracle Corporation profited enormously from not having its version of events questioned.
Bob Miner got what he wanted - your humble author, terminated, blackballed and traumatized.
Herbert Runyon got what he wanted - Leon dead, and Leon's wife warming Herbert Runyon's bed.
Which brings us back to Leon Salanave.
The moneychangers
You're probably wondering: what are the roots of the conflict between these two men?
It obviously involves more than a fight over a withered, rapidly aging floozy.

Our sense is that it was, in a microcosm, a struggle for the future of the Unitarian Church, between two types of people - a struggle which turned intensely personal when one side declined to lose gracefully.
On one side were the Unitarian equivalent of Torahs, concerned about truth. Some of them might have been Jews, slumming with us freethinkers. These people didn't want moneychangers working in their temple. Pretty straightforward.
On the other side were the Unitarian equivalent of Talmuds. Were they all Jewish? More research is required. Regardless, this other group *did* want moneychangers working in the temples. They liked the free parking and they liked the free rent and they liked all the free customers, too.
When Leon prevailed inside the San Francisco Unitarian Church - which he had likely been a member of, longer than Penny Salanave had been alive, making Leon Salanave a church elder - Herbert, and Penny, lost face, and swore to have their revenge upon the man who had bested them, fair and square, in open debate.
We are not sure, but we think that Leon's father, Edward Salanave - also a San Francisco native, born in 1889 - may have also been a member of the San Franciso Unitarian Church ... and Leon's grandfather, Jean Salanave, as well.
Eleanora Penny Simon-Farkas-Horvath-Childers-Salanave-Runyon is now remembered for betraying her first two husbands; aborting her first three children; raising a man who prided himself upon his ability to lie to and deceive his own brothers, drove his own brothers into homelessness, and stripped his own brothers of their inheritances, so that he could have more cocaine, and another BMW or four; and abusing her other children, beating them like drums with her preferred weapon, a wooden spoon - so hard, once, that she actually broke a spoon on Your Humble Editor.

In 2000 - seven years after Leon's death - during a visit to the East Coast, Penny secretly used the safe combination that her mother had entrusted her with, for emergencies, and stole her own mother's will - along with everything else in the safe - so that she was now the sole inheritor. When our grandmother discovered the empty safe, she dropped dead from shock. We learned at this time that Herbert Runyon's brother - the judge, in Maryland - handled the probate calendar, and was instructing Penny, via his brother. These events are described at
Emulate her at your risk, dear readers.
Herbert Richard Runyon is now remembered as a dead eunuch who raised no sons or daughters, built nothing, destroyed every life he touched, and tried to turn the San Francisco Unitarian Church against itself. He worked at the San Francisco Federal Reserve and was paid obnoxious amounts of money but no one knows what he did there or why he was hired. He never demonstrated any economic insights that we know of. He was, at best, a nebbish.
The very idea that one could 'get rich quick' without in some way adding tangible value to the economy in which one is participating would seem to be a violation of every single economic principle known to humanity. It is hard to understand how anyone advancing such a theory could possibly have acquired an advanced college degree in economics or be employed by the United States Federal Reserve. Leon probably said the same thing - and was killed for it.
We are curious where Herbert Runyon acquired a paperweight that was carefully designed to be a weapon of domestic violence. Are such dual-use decorations common? Is this a specialty item? Are these items only made by special request? Was this a Runyon family heirloom? Has it been used to kill others? These are disturbing questions but they need to be asked.
Emulate him at your risk, dear readers. Witness his million-dollar legacy; the awesome Salanave-Runyon Trust and its history of good work. </sarcasm>
Leon Edward Salanave discovered a comet when he was still a teenager. He built his own telescopes and radios. He taught navigational skills to Navy personnel during World War II, on San Francisco Bay's Treasure Island. He received a master's degree in astronomy at UC Berkeley and after the war he was one of the people who proposed that the California Academy of Sciences build a planetarium - which made San Francisco world famous. The planetarium projector that he and his crew built is in the Smithsonian Museum. People still talk about the California Academy of Sciences and its planetarium, today.
It's entirely possible that Leon Salanave was also Jewish - whatever that word may have meant, to him and his family. When we were children he taught us a song he had learned at Camp Tawonga, when he was himself a child. As an adult, we learned that Camp Tawonga is a Jewish summer camp. Draw your own conclusions.
If by some miracle the United States had in its possession a thousand men like Leon Salanave, today, it would not be enough to help us get out of the mess we are in - but it would be a start.
Food for thought.