Date: Sat, 07 May 2022 13:36:25 -0700 To: Subject: And just one more (was: Murder at 137 12th Street (was: Re: An abundance of murder weapons (was: Regarding David Elliot (currently in custody)))) Officer McLeod: After my family moved to 2011 Shamrock, I think Richard Henson became manager at 137 12th Street. Then, something happened, and he wasn't the manager any more. The southern California couple that owned the apartments imported a family member. I met this family member when Richard Henson contacted me to help him with installing security cameras and some software that was supposed to run on a PC. Then, Richard Henson contacted me again, to help him break into the family member's computer, because this member of the family that owned the apartment complex had suddenly up and died, and the family was there, and they didn't have his password, and Richard Henson knew I knew a lot about computers because I had generously built Richard Henson a website, advertising his tree trimming business. And, indeed, it was a Windows PC, and I was able to download a utility that allowed me to clear the password so his family could log in and inspect the contents of the PC. I would now view this and all other deaths of individuals connected to Richard Henson, the Klammes family, and David Elliot with considerably greater suspicion, than I did before. After these events, Richard Henson resumed his position as manager of 137 12th Street, so he and everyone connected to him benefited immensely from this man's death. Is there any information to be gleaned from the fact that this man who later died, selected the one apartment that was as far away from David Elliot's apartment as could be, at the exact opposite corner, where he was not in a position to see traffic in and out of David Elliot's apartment? Prior awareness, if nothing else. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Food for thought. ===== On 5/7/2022 at 12:52 PM, [email_redacted] wrote:Officer McLeod: Meditating upon the events at 137 12th Street, and David Elliot, I am reminded of ANOTHER suspicious death connected to David Elliot, and 137 12th Street. It seems that there was this man, and this woman, and they were traveling through Fortuna, via Highway 101, and they pulled off the highway, in Fortuna. I infer this from the fact that they had a truck and the truck was pulling a trailer filled with all of their belongings. They pulled off the highway because they - or, at least, one of them - wanted to stop, at 137 12th Street, and visit someone. Possibly David Elliot - if I recall correctly, whomever they were visiting was in the same building that David Elliot was in - the building closest to the dumpster. These two people were fighting about something. It's not clear how, or why, but the trailer was disconnected from the truck that was towing it, and the truck was parked in the back parking lot. Allegedly, the woman was working on the engine, with the motor running, when the vehicle went into gear and drove her against the building and cut her in half. The truck accelerated against the wall hard enough to bust through into the apartment behind it - there was even some discussion of condemning the building, but somehow that got dropped. That's some idle! Not knowing more and not having inspected the death scene, my first reaction was to accept this. But looking at it through the lens of perspective, brought by the passage of time ... this explanation doesn't meet the smell test. 1) Women don't usually work on motors. 2) People don't usually work on motors when they are running. 3) There is rarely anything that requires one to stand directly in front of the vehicle while working on it. 4) Parking brakes might have provided enough delay, if they had been set. 5) The likelihood of an engine "slipping" into gear would have to be evaluated by a mechanic, taking into account the actual transmission type of the vehicle. 6) People working on vehicles usually attract a bunch of other people - guys - wanting to comment and help, like honey attracts bees. I learned about what happened from David Elliot. He was thrilled! He went around telling everyone that she had been cut in half and her guts were spilling from her body. David Elliot's apartment and deck overlooked the rear parking lot. He would have had an excellent view. For purposes of argument, we can hypothesize a couple, perhaps having been evicted recently, and being forced to move, and fighting, and they drove down Highway 101; and we can hypothesize some sort of mechanical defect that required adjustment, IF and ONLY IF a corresponding mechanical defect was found, after the fact. And we can hypothesize a woman, raised amongst brothers, impatient with her husband for choosing to go score drugs from his buddy, David Elliot, instead of taking care of some obscure problem with the truck ... and we can hypothesize that this woman, impatient to show her husband and all his manly friends what a loser he was, decided to fix the truck, herself ... and, failed. But ALSO, for purposes of argument, we can hypothesize a scenario where the man has already decided to get rid of her; or, perhaps, where he emerges from the apartment, after having scored, or shot up, or done a line, or whatever, and is angry that she is working on the truck, or gets into an argument with her, again, and just decides to kill her, right there - confident that, having just engaged in multiple felonies with his friends, upstairs, that they will back him up when he says it was an accident - who knows, maybe she threatened to turn them in, and they decided to just kill her, to protect themselves. This was such a horrifying event that I suppressed the memory. Hence, the delay in recalling. A lot would rest upon a retroactive review of the woman's death, with an eye towards also discerning whether former police chief Dobberstein might have sabotaged the investigation. But here, once again, we see this strange nexus of 137 12th Street ... David Elliot ... the Fortuna police department ... former chief Dobberstein ... sudden, violent, suspicious death ... and studied obliviousness, on the part of local authorities. Kym Kemp would remember this event because she was working at the Lost Coast Outpost at the time, probably read my review of events at 137 12th Street, published on Craigslist, and may have wanted to come and interview residents at 137 12th Street, but was seemingly blocked from investigating a real news event by the management of Lost Coast Outpost, leading to her resignation or termination. If I am correct about the connection between David Elliot, and Chief Dobberstein, revealed by Elliot's arrest, just after Dobberstein died and the inferred protection lapsed ... and if I am also correct about the similar connection between the owners of 137 12th Street, Dobberstein, and Elliot ... then I would suggest that the management of Lost Coast Outpost is connected to this story, too. ===== Editor's note: See, also, =====