The Childers Family Court is now in session
In this and related pages we make a number of disturbing allegations about our older brother, Thomas Dallas Childers.
We find this public enquiry into our older brother's moral fitness necessary, because Thomas Childers will not answer our questions regarding events at Oracle, events at Sybase, and events, in the years that followed, that affected the entire family.
Thomas Childers will assert that this is because he feels threatened; but it is the topics that Thomas is threatened by - fraud, perjury, theft, withholding evidence, conspiracy, disinheritance, slander, defamation, employment sabotage - not the participants, who only want him to tell the truth.
We think Thomas Childers is threatened by the truth.
We encourage readers to contact Thomas Childers directly and to invite him to resolve any questions you may wish to put to him, in writing. We encourage everyone to communicate in writing at all times. If there is ever a disagreement about who said what when, there is no better evidence than USPS-certified mail, with a return receipt; and timestamped electronic mail, with SMTP headers intact, is almost as good.
Based on information and belief, Thomas Childers may be contacted at the following electronic mail addresses:
NOTE: Although Thomas Childers has an address, he did not graduate; he dropped out because he was flunking his classes. We assume he is paying for this address.
Thomas Childers' meatspace coordinates are also a matter of public record:
(Sources:, public records, personal information, and
Thomas Dallas Childers stands suspected of abusing his office, as trustee for the prestigious Salanave-Runyon estate, and pilfering at least $12,000 from his four young nieces.
We think an audit of rental incomes generated by properties owned by the trust may be appropriate.
Thomas Childers' mother is, herself, suspected of robbing her own mother - our grandmother - and causing her death ... see the story of 112 Washington Terrace for more information.
Thomas Dallas Childers is also suspected of embezzling from the prestigious Salanave-Runyon estate, itself, by concealing the existence of a mountain vacation cabin (#79 Ash Way, Mill Creek, CA 96061, to be precise) from the rest of the family and his fellow trustees, and using it as his own private property, for approximately fifteen years - during which time, his two brothers, his sister-in-law, and his four nieces were repeatedly homeless.

Between 2005 and 2015, we and our children were forced to live in primitive Humboldt County ... because, at over $1000 per bedroom, per month, the San Francisco Bay Area - all the way from Monterey, to Willits - was too expensive for renters with children.
We - a UNIX and Linux systems administrator with, at that time, over twenty years of professional experience administering services, networks, databases, and firewalls - personally spent at least ten hours, every weekend, commuting back and forth - three hundred miles, each way, between Silicon Valley and Humboldt County - filling a long series of extremely technical, but always temporary, positions, in a gig economy increasingly favoring outsourcing and H1-Bs.
We slept in our car, during the week, and showered at public swimming pools, first thing, every morning - for ten years. We have the receipts to prove it.
Thomas Childers bears a grudge against his own brother, over events at Oracle Corporation, in the early 1990s.
Thomas concealed his malice towards his younger brothers from the California Superior Court by lying, when he affirmed, under oath, that there was no reason that he could not perform the duties of conservator in good faith.
In fact, there was a reason - Thomas hated his younger brothers. Tom hated his stepfather, Leon, too. In retrospect, we can see that Tom hated everyone who was in competition with him for his mother's love and attention.
Thomas hated his middle brother so much that Thomas repeatedly sabotaged him - at home and at work, too.
Thomas Childers has a prior history of wilfully and maliciously concealing evidence from San Mateo and other Superior Courts - see civil case #393104 and related matters.
Thomas Childers actually helped the prestigious Oracle Corporation engage in fraud, perjury, conspiracy, obstruction and spoliation, against his own little brother - and then, escape multiple felony prosecutions - and was rewarded handsomely. This is an uncontested fact.
Lawyers and other self-described authorities say these are not criminal matters - after they carefully ignored these matters for many years, while the statute of limitations did its work - and do not see it in their best interest to interfere.
We think that the legal system failed us utterly, and that the system is rotting from within. Our government obviously has a serious problem with parasites, feeding upon the body politic and returning nothing of value; but this is a separate topic.
Regardless ... if Thomas Childers is your neighbor, there are some things you might need to know - and our government says, it's not their problem.
We decided to take matters into our own hands.
In August 2020, our younger brother, John Wesley Childers, was found dead, in mysterious circumstances.
John Childers was a beneficiary of the prestigious Salanave-Runyon estate.
Thomas Childers is a trustee - but Thomas Childers is also a beneficiary of the trust, as well.
When a death occurs it is standard operating procedure to ask whether the death might have been a murder. The Fortuna Police Department violated this protocol and did not interview anyone or investigate anything. We would need to mount a second investigation to determine why we did not mount the first investigation; but there is no rational reason to assume that the second investigation would be any more effective than the first investigation was.
Dispensing with official organs of investigation and relying upon our own native capacity for analysis, we applied the 'categorical trinity - means, motive, and opportunity' to the case.
We did this because it occurred to us that, with very little effort, a malicious Humboldt County district attorney might suggest that we had killed our own brother.
(We knew that Humboldt County's district attorney is capable of malicious behavior, because Humboldt County Child Welfare Services had already tried, unsuccessfully, to kidnap all four of our daughters, without evidence - see JV160250, JV160275, or the letter we wrote to the California Department of Justice, regarding Oracle Corporation, for more information.)

But analysis reveals that while we might have had the opportunity ... we did not have the means, or any motive.
(We take this opportunity to point out that it reflects poorly upon Fortuna's police department that we should have to investigate our own brother's death, and clear ourself as a suspect, well before the agency even realizes that we were a suspect or that a murder might have been committed. We hope some lessons have been learned, by all.)
The same trinity that excludes us as a suspect, however, includes Thomas - who, as the person receiving over half of the fabulous Salanave-Runyon trust's output ... more money than the other six recipients of Salanave-Runyon trust funds, added together - definitely had motive.
We bring to the reader's attention the following letter, from 2005.
From: "Richard Childers"
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 00:20:00 +0000
Subject: Abandoning John Wesley
Reply-to: fscked@speakeasy.netI wanted to talk to you two about John Wesley.
Every time I see John, I have to remind myself, not only that he is my brother (because he is unwashed, and smells bad), but also that he is poor - impoverished, not just physically, but emotionally, and mentally, as well - and that I must help him.
Alms for the poor; and he is the poorest person I know.
Now, I understand that Penny's newest lover, AKA 'Tom' (and what would Freud say?), has recommended that Penny stop buying John a FastPass; and that Penny, thrilled to find someone to back her up, has done just that.
Now John smells worse than ever - from all of his walking - and he is again frequently visible, walking along the side of the road, a living shame to all who know his story.
Look, Penny, you failed to bring this child up. You abandoned him to Lu, across the street, and she taught him everything he knows today.
Why don't you accept some responsibility for the situation, and finish the job, before you die and it's too late?
You have failed your family so many ways that I can't even count them. But you are still responsible for this human being's existance and situation. Indeed, you worked to create it, to prove, to Dallas, that his absence would hurt your children. You needed damaged children; and so you damaged them, yourself.
I realize that my words will not make an impact on you and that you may not even receive them; however, I felt obligated to articulate my thoughts on this matter, so that I can later refer to them, if this should become a legal matter (say, for instance, John is murdered, and the question arises of what he was doing, sleeping in the park, when his mother, a reputed millionaire, lived less than half a mile away).
It must suck to be you, and not be able to put anything into writing, for fear it will be used against you in the future.
Because Thomas Childers was the one person who benefitted most from John's death we conclude that it is not inappropriate to ask if Thomas Childers might have been involved in John Childers' death.
(If your older brother who you hadn't seen for ten or twenty years suddenly showed up in tiny little Fortuna, one evening, without any warning ... said he was just passing through, wanted to get back in touch, wanted to celebrate your inheritance with you, and offered you a bump of cocaine - that turned out to be fentanyl - and you were a homeless bum who'd just inherited $200,000 ... wouldn't you say 'yes'? Of course you would - and then, fifteen minutes later, you would no longer be draining the trust of money ... and your older brother would be winging his way south, back to the Bay Area, on his BMW motorcycle, while your body cooled, and ants began to explore this huge, abandoned piece of dead meat. It would be that easy.)
It would be very interesting if Thomas Childers purchased a life insurance policy for his baby brother, John Wesley Childers, before John died - or anyone else, such as ourselves - seeing as, according to Thomas Childers' blog, we don't even exist.
John Childers was living in Fortuna, California, when he died.
We were working with John's lawyer from the trust to close John's bank account - the very same account that we had helped John to open, a few years before, so that he could begin to receive his inheritance, and stop being a homeless bum - when Thomas Childers surreptitiously acquired John Childers' banking information from the trust itself, contacted the bank, and, misrepresenting himself as the executor of his youngest brother's estate, stealthily withdrew all of the funds John Childers had on deposit, behind our back.
We think that Thomas did this because he was worried that we would use the money to employ legal counsel.
Thomas Childers' strategy over the past thirty years has been to systematically sabotage any chance that we might have, in the words of Catherine Austin Fitts, "personal wealth and family support [...] attorneys, food, clothing and shelter" (see XIV. Enforcement Terrorism - 1997, Dillon Read & Co. Inc. And the Aristocracy of Prison Profits, by Catherine Austin Fitts, for the full quote).
Thinking back, we are reminded of a strange incident during our infancy, where, only two years old, we somehow consumed an entire Salvo tablet, and had to be taken to the hospital to have our stomach pumped out.
Looking back, now, through the lense of perspective, we realize that it was probably Thomas who fed us the Salvo tablet; and we now think that we understand why our mother always arranged for Thomas to sleep in his own room, alone.
There is also that incident, when Leon took our family camping, on Mount Lemmon, near Kitt Peak, around 1968.
Tom and our six-year-old self went exploring. Our six-year-old self fell off a cliff. We nearly split our head open in a field of boulders. By some miracle, we are told, we hit the one rotten log in the middle of a field of boulders. But even with that to cushion our fall, we needed to be taken back to Tucson for some stitches.
Leon stayed at camp, with Thomas and little four- or five-year-old John Wesley. Penny drove our six-year-old self to the hospital. Stitches were by Doctor King - we still remember his name, because he had a crown for a tie tack. We still have the scar.
We now wonder what Leon said to ten-year-old Thomas, in our absence.
We are also reminded of a time when Thomas returned from Lowell High School one day, very excited because in his chemistry class he had been introduced to a chemical that absorbed all of the oxygen from the atmosphere. Thomas described this chemical as "the perfect murder weapon".
We don't mind saying that we made a resolution then and there to never let Thomas Childers lock us in any sealed rooms with any unidentified chemicals.

We are confident Thomas does not tell anyone that one of his brothers skipped a grade. Or that one of his brothers built tensegrity spheres for a hobby. Or that one of his brothers dropped out of high school to go to college, then, dropped out of college to be a UNIX sysadmin, while still just a kid. Or that one of his brothers has four daughters, and is looking for work. Or that he even has a brother - never mind, two brothers - or, that one of his brothers, homeless and living on the street for thirty years, was a licensed radio operator, with the callsign KK6IX. It's not important.
Thomas Childers excluded us from our own father's - Dallas Childers, Junior's - funeral, by withholding the time and place from us, so that we were personally unable to attend.
Thomas Childers excluded both John Wesley and ourselves from Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon's funeral as well.
It was probably when we asked where we could stay, that Thomas first realized that we no longer lived in the San Francisco Bay Area - followed by the realization that if he allowed us to attend the funeral, people would realize that Thomas had not been in touch with us for decades. And so Thomas broke off communications. He hasn't communicated with us since then.
Thomas Childers excluded us from John Wesley's funeral, as well. Gobles Fortuna Mortuary was supposed to turn John's cremains over to us for a funeral we were going to hold in San Francisco - to which Thomas was invited - but Gobles did not reply to our emails and did not answer their front door when we rang their bell during business hours and so we were forced to hold our funeral in San Francisco without John's cremains.
Thomas Childers was not present. We later learned from the Humboldt County Coroner's Office that the ashes had been delivered to Thomas Childers - which is odd, as there is no mention of John Wesley, or of John Wesley's death, or John Wesley's funeral, in Thomas Childers' fabulous vanity blog - leaving us with the impression that John Wesley Childers' cremains were thrown in the trash, along with last night's pizza.
Thomas Childers' conduct is perhaps best explained by the fact that Thomas Childers was professionally diagnosed with sibling rivalry, in 1965, during our parents' divorce ... but never received treatment for his emotional illness.
We think Thomas Childers' condition may have morphed into something more serious by now.
If anyone close to Thomas were to die, and large amounts of money or property were involved - inheritances, but also insurance premiums, choice real estate, or growing medical bills, perhaps - we would want to scrutinize things very closely to be sure there were no irregularities.
We think Thomas Childers is capable of some very dirty dealing - and we have the evidence to prove it.
We understand that Thomas' last wife died from a very fast acting cancer. We wonder if perhaps Thomas made himself some serious enemies, and his deceased wife was so unfortunate as to eat from the wrong plate - remember Bob Miner.
In his blog, Thomas describes accidentally recording his conversation with Nancy Jones. We are going to suggest that it was not an accident. Our sense is that Thomas is the sort of person who secretly records conversations.
It seems likely that Thomas has been systematically recording conversations of people around him, for years.
Evidence now available proves that before Thomas started recording conversations, Thomas was, similarly, recording electronic mail exchanges - for later use, in manipulating peoples' perceptions, and, perhaps, blackmail, as well.
For instance ... when Thomas was employed by Oracle he secretly preserved everything we said on UUS-L, even though he did not participate in the group conversations.
Thomas Childers subsequently concealed the existence of these records - from us, our lawyers, and the San Mateo Superior Court, too.
Does Thomas Childers aspire to blackmail? Is Thomas an informant of some sort? Both seem distinctly possible. We advise people to be careful what they say when in hearing range of Thomas Childers, and his devices.

In September 2020, then, Thomas Childers, acting as trustee for the prestigious Salanave-Runyon estate, assumed responsibility for an additional $150,000, as a consequence of our youngest brother's mysterious death.
(We had previously been a trustee - we suspect we are the only person in the history of the universe who has simultaneously been appointed a trustee and disinherited, in the same will - but we had been surreptitiously stripped of our trusteeship, without notice or explanation, after we had begun suggesting that Thomas Childers' concealed use of the Mill Creek property was a form of embezzlement.)
Thomas' responsibility was to distribute these funds proportionately to the other beneficiaries of the trust.
We have reason to think that Thomas Childers did not distribute the funds, as it was his duty to.
In October 2020 - at the very height of the COVID panic - Thomas Childers then seems to have bought himself another brand new BMW ... which he then used, to take what looked suspiciously like a victory lap, around the western United States, making a map and boasting about his unhurried vacation on his blog.
It is now 2022. Two years later.
The monies were to be distributed, proportionally, amongst the other beneficiaries of the fabulous Salanave-Runyon trust, including Thomas Childers' four nieces.
It has been nearly two years ... but Thomas Childers has not turned over these funds to his four nieces.
Based on information and belief, we are forced to the conclusion, again, that Thomas Dallas Childers is a thief ... the kind of thief who would literally, with premeditation, steal from little girls - his own relatives - who were forced by circumstances to rely upon his integrity.

Regrettably, we already know that Thomas Childers is a liar ... because we never saw Thomas Childers on 23 November 2008 (or any other day), and we have no idea what other niece he might be referring to, as our children are Thomas' only nieces.
We suspect that this Twitter posting is an artifact of Tom's never-ending efforts at manipulating other peoples' perceptions of him.
Our mother, allegedly, disinherited us, and, allegedly, gave our inheritance to Thomas - the conservator - without any warning or explanation. Allegedly.
It seems likely, now, that Thomas Childers was gas-lighting the nurses, and the lawyers - and our mother, who was diagnosed with dementia - with lies about his attempts to contact us, when in fact he was concealing our mother from the rest of the family and we had no idea how to reach her. We call this elder abuse.
There are a lot of unanswered questions. Particularly about the lawyers, and the judges, too, who let themselves be led around, and lied to, like small children, and did not ask questions or exercise due diligence.
We think that the effort to protect the individual legal reputations of those involved in this case may be taking precedence over protecting the reputation of the Superior Court, itself.
We think those priorities should be reversed - the reputation of the Court needs to come before the reputations of those whom serve the institution, or else it will not survive as an institution. The Court must be worthy of the citizens' trust. Once that has been lost, it's game over. This should not even need to be stated.
The State of California and its residents are the real losers in this transaction, because we will still be paying for these bad decisions decades after the people who made the decisions are gone.
If we were a judge for the Contra Costra Superior Court, we would be furious at seeing our court used in this fashion.
First, we have a woman who lived in San Francisco continuously since 1972, then, moved to Marin, filing her case in Contra Costa Superior Court, an hour's drive away. Why?
Did her lawyer even meet with her - or were all of the meetings with the conservator, because of the distance involved? Was this done by the conservator, deliberately?
Second, we have a woman with dementia - it turns out she is also a liar, a thief, and a murderess - disinheriting her son. Why? Nobody asks. Too bad: if you'd asked, maybe we would have all discovered her crimes, sooner.
Third, we have an executor who skips getting a second opinion on the disinheritance, going against standard operating procedure and widely recognized best practices. Malice? Or stupidity? Again, nobody cares enough to ask questions.
Fourth, we have an executor and a conservator who both keep the fact that someone is going to be disinherited, a secret from the person being disinherited - again, flying in the face of best practice. This would appear to be malicious conduct on the part of the executor and the conservator, both. Why would the Court tolerate such conduct?
Fifth, the conservator is embezzling from the trust, has been for over a decade, even puts it in writing on his blog - "muh cabin" - and nobody is stopping him - nobody cares. Malice? Stupidity? Bribe? No one is asking.
Sixth, the conservator is a cocaine addict. Nobody notices. Drawing from our now-vast body of experience with legal professionals ... we suspect that most lawyers, today, are addicts, of some sort. All of them are addicted to money, for instance. We need to stop pretending that this is not part of the problem.
Seventh, the conservator has a history of lying on social media - my cabin", "my niece" - and, again, nobody cares enough to verify anything. Malice? Or stupidity?
Eighth, the conservator pathologically refuses to reference any other member of his family but his mother in his tedious vanity blog, even though he refers to the cabin as a "family cabin". Faced with this pathological behavior ... again, nobody asks questions.

Ninth, that blog is chock full of statements that we think are false.
For instance, every page of Thomas Childers' blog starts with the text, "IN 2005, WE BOUGHT LAND TO BUILD OUR HOME" - but it says nothing about Thomas asking his mother for his $400,000 inheritance, ten years before she had even died, so that he could deposit it in a bank, get a loan, buy the land, and start building a house - all that is excluded from the narrative. Thomas implies that it was all his money, scrupulously saved up by him. It wasn't. He was busy buying BMWs and cocaine - duh!
We think that it is all excluded because if it were included, people would know that Tom received two inheritances - one, in 2005, ten years before his mother died ... and then, another, ten years later, right after our mother died, when, what with all those BMWs, and all that construction and landscaping ... Thomas Childers was probably running a little low on cash.
Or, how about that rifle? We personally lived with our father, Dallas, for several years, in both Phoenix, and, in North Sacramento, while going to American River Junior College ... and we never saw a rifle. We never heard any mention of a rifle. We don't think our half sister, Theresa, did, either.
Thomas claims in his blog to have owned lots of rifles and shotguns. When? Not while he was living with Nancy Malcolm. We took care of his house for weeks at a time when Thomas was away and never saw any pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, carriers, or long gun safes where such things might have been concealed.
We do not question that Thomas had a rifle, or that he got rid of it by giving it to his half-sister in Arizona.
But we do question his claim, in his vanity blog, that he received the rifle from his father, Dallas. We think that is a lie.
There is no evidence this rifle was not stolen in a burglary in Mill Creek, or bought on the black market, then transported across state lines, and disposed of by being given to a third party, who then sold it. Without more evidence, all we have is hearsay, from someone who is a known liar.
It would be interesting if this rifle's serial number matched the serial number of what we recall was an M-1 Garand, that was in our grandfather's collection, on the East Coast.
If Penny removed that rifle from the collection, on the East Coast, and shipped it back to California, secretly, for Thomas ... there will be a record of that shipment - and that record should include the serial number.
We may also have an inventory of our grandfather's rifles, including photographs and serial numbers of each weapon - we will post that information when we locate it.
Tom claims to have rid himself of all firearms and to have abandoned violence and to have become a (euthanizing, LOL) vegetarian. This would imply that previously he embraced violence. We would bet there's still bacon in his freezer, though.
We suspect Thomas still has the .45 Colt automatic pistol that, based on information and belief, disappeared from our grandparents' house after the last time Thomas visited his grandparents - while Thomas was in college, on the East Coast.
Even more embarrassingly ... our grandfather, Alexander Horvath, told us that he purchased a scooter for Thomas to use to get around while at college on the East Coast, and that Thomas had told him that the scooter had been stolen.
Our grandfather told us that he had then reported the scooter stolen, to the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, only to learn, some time later - when the new owner registered the scooter as theirs - that Thomas had sold the scooter to this person, for cash, and that Thomas had lied to our grandfather when Thomas had claimed that the scooter had been stolen.
There are indications that Thomas lied to his insurance company about a stolen vehicle - at least once that we know of, a broken-down BMW motorcycle that Thomas left at his workplace, for six weeks, until someone finally took the hint, and stole it, allowing Thomas to claim the insurance money for his loss.
But there are sure to be more incidents - for instance, the Sally Mae, Thomas' experiment with owning a sailboat big enough to live aboard - which sank.
Thomas Childers even lied, in his so-called biography. We say so-called, because nobody would invest any energy on creating an entry on Thomas Childers, other than Thomas Childers - making this material technically autobiographical in nature, IE, Thomas Childers wrote this himself.
Thomas Childers asserts that his father is "Dallas Childers Salanave". There is no such person. Thomas' father was Dallas Childers. But Thomas was raised by his stepfather, Leon Salanave.
Below that, Thomas Childers asserts that Thomas' mother is "Eleanora Penny (Horvath) Salanave" - when, in fact, Thomas' mother was known, in Bridgeport, as Eleanora Penny Horvath.
Thomas' mother married Dallas Childers, became Eleanora Penny Childers, and bore Thomas; then, divorcing Dallas, she married Leon Salanave and became Eleanora Penny Salanave - until she drove Leon to walk into traffic and kill himself.
Thomas' mother did this so she could marry Herbert Richard Runyon, who was a millionaire and was not shy about letting people know it.
But calling herself Eleanora Penny Runyon, confused people, so she started calling herself Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon, so that she could claw her way up the social ladder with both names.
There is no reason for Thomas to be expected to include all of that detail in his biography - but the least he could do is to spell his parents' names correctly.
If you have not grasped this yet ... Thomas is not an honest person. Anyone who asserts otherwise is either ignorant or needs their own integrity scrutinized.
We are confident that Thomas' custom-built house in Fairfax has one or more concealed caches for drugs, valuables and small weapons - such as a custom stair tread, or behind a magnetized wall panel, or perhaps beneath that huge Buddha that's too big to move.
How about Thomas Childers' relationship with animals? Thomas Childers doesn't score too well there, either.
Growing up, we had fish, cats, and dogs, but we do not recall Thomas demonstrating any affection towards animals.
To the best of our knowledge, Thomas did not have a cat or a dog or even fish while he was married to Nancy Malcolm. That brings us up to 2005 or so.
Thomas states in his blog that he assumed custody of a dog that someone had foolishly given to a senile Penny. It's not clear who gave the dog to Penny, Thomas was vague on that. It's not clear what happened to the dog - Thomas was vague on that, too. We did not see any other references to a dog. It seems likely the dog was euthanized.
Nancy Jones persuaded Thomas to allow not one, not two, but three cats into their household. After Nancy Jones died, Thomas had two of the cats euthanized - Thomas described it in his blog, as "surrendering them", but, realistically, it is abandonment, or worse - by the Marin Humane Society. Supposedly, he has one cat left.
Note that at no time did Thomas contact ourself or our brother, John Wesley, to see if we might be interested in our mother's dog, one or the other of the cats, or some combination thereof. Abandoning and/or euthanizing the animals was in all cases preferable to contacting us.
Y'all need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Our assessment, after having lived with Thomas for nearly two decades, continuously, and having watched him grow from a boy into a man, is that animals interfere with Thomas' freedom, and even cats are only tolerated because Thomas wants people to see him as a cat person, as that leads women, and some men, to be more inclined to trust him.
Assaying the contents of Thomas Childers' vanity blog is a task for another day, but we can summarize: its contents are best assessed by measuring what is not referenced; such as Tom's two younger brothers, our grandparents, or the East Coast ... as well as our stepfather, Leon Salanave ... the California Academy of Sciences, where Leon helped Tom get a job working as a ticket taker, at the planetarium Leon had helped build ... Nancy Malcolm (Tom's first wife, also known as 'Nancy') ... Lowell High School, or growing up in San Francisco ... MIT, in Cambridge, where Thomas dropped out of college ... and the last names of people he doesn't want anyone communicating with, directly, such as Jen, his 'partner'.
We would describe Thomas Childers' blog as an ongoing and relentless exercise in virtue signalling.

This whole legal mess ultimately spans three decades and three, four, five, maybe six California counties - San Mateo, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Marin, Tehama, and maybe Humboldt, too.
If we understand matters correctly, because it is all civil, the State can't involve itself, until one of the parties files a motion, and empowers the courts to take action.
We are talking about not one set of Superior Court judges who had the wool pulled over their eyes ... not two sets of judges ... not three sets of judges ... no, we are talking about the judiciary of SIX entire Superior Courts, perhaps, who have all allowed themselves to be systematically lied to, and whom now assert they are all powerless to do anything about the consequences of the lies they accepted, and they acted upon.
Filing a lawsuit requires coughing up $10,000 to $15,000, just to engage the services of a lawyer, to represent us. Then there are filing fees. Deposition fees. Process server fees. Copying fees. Etc.
No lawyers want to touch this case (really, it is a bunch of cases, each one requiring a $10,000 deposit, discovery, depositions, copying and filing fees, etc) because it is poison to their precious careers and because they don't see any way to make it rain money - which is the only reason most of them are even lawyers in the first place.
The only person who has the knowledge and experience to be effective in this matter, has been systematically stripped of his every penny and all of his power and authority ... by the very court that is now struggling to figure out how to staunch the leakage of trust and integrity it caused with its ignorant butchery.
Well played! In scheming to betray us and our children and steal our inheritances, these lawyers and judges all seem to have painted themselves into a corner.
Now what, geniuses?
You say: too much time has passed. Boo hoo. Next!
We say: that's funny, the California Attorney General just filed a legal brief in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to help a Jewish family get back a painting their grandmother voluntarily sold, nearly a century ago.
What's that all about? Do paintings have more rights than families or individuals? Why does the California Attorney General even care? Isn't he being paid to do more important things?

We say, you all have doctoral degrees. Quit acting like chop shops, and start acting like legal professionals.
You broke it. You fix it. Hop to it.
Us citizens are watching. I think a lot of us are running out of patience.
We are gazing into our crystal ball, and we are seeing that if a political conflict breaks out in North America - for example, if Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters, or Antifa, ever get the idea that lawyers, not judges, are to blame for everything that is wrong with the United States into their heads - we predict a lot of lawyers swinging from lamp posts. All those angry customers - and, to be honest, nobody is going to defend lawyers from a mob, especially, not the cops - just sayin'.
It behooves you to do the right thing, for once.
Meanwhile, in the real world, the question is: where is the money that is due to Thomas Dallas Childers' four abandoned nieces?
The police do not regard this as a criminal case; they say it is a civil matter, and, of course, that they do not have jurisdiction, and that it is not their problem. The usual run-around.
But just because you, dear reader, are so unfortunate as to share a community with Thomas Dallas Childers, does not mean you have to accept this sort of conduct from your self-described 'neighbor'.
Thomas Childers worked hard to persuade people to shun us, for thirty years, for reasons that were false - questioning our emotional and mental stability ... provoking our girlfriend to get a fraudulent restraining order against us ... saying that we - Unitarians - were anti-Semites ... but excluding his own role, as provocateur, in each and every one of the events that he based these documentation-free claims upon.
There are few reasons you should not shun him, similarly.
If you live in Mill Creek, or Mineral, there is no reason you have to sell firewood, groceries, or fuel to Thomas Childers.
If you deliver propane to Mill Creek, there is no reason you have to sell propane to Thomas Childers. He can go get it himself, five gallons at a time, just like everyone else.
Although Thomas does not believe in freedom of information, he does believe in the free market.
It follows, that Thomas is free to drive any of his small fleet of BMWs to Chester, Red Bluff, or Chico for his milk and eggs ... and he is free to maintain his own chainsaws, sharpen his own chains; free to cut his own firewood, free to fill up the trunk and back seat of his BMW with firewood, too.
The last we heard, wood-cutting permits are also free. Eight cords per permit, that's easily a winter's worth for just about any cabin. Best start now.
Speaking of Chester: Where was Thomas during the Dixie Fire? Was he fighting the fire? Was he making coffee and sandwiches? Or, was he loading the biggest rental van he could find, and preparing to flee, like a rat from a sinking ship? The answer to those three questions will tell you a lot about the relationship between Thomas Childers, his possessions, and his neighbors.
If you know exactly where, in Marin - we think 52 Glen Drive, in Fairfax - Thomas Childers lives, you should consider doxxing that treacherous son of a bitch.
One of the things Thomas Childers is counting upon to render him invulnerable to attempts to recover the monies he owes our four daughters, is the fact that he has systematically concealed his address from us for going on three decades, now.
We do not think that Thomas Childers wants to enter a court room - because it is not at all clear that he will be allowed to leave, freely, if any of those three counties' judges starts asking tough questions.
Also: in small claims court, lawyers are not allowed ... so, Thomas will be forced to face us, his abandoned family members, as an equal, and will not be able to hide behind anyone else.
We see that Thomas lives half a block away from a school of some sort. If you have children - particularly sons or daughters old enough to be corrupted by drugs - you might also appreciate knowing that a current or possibly recovering cocaine addict is living next door to your child's school, and take the appropriate precautions. You're welcome.
If you are a rich asshole, like Tom, and you are looking for a conservator for your estate, and Thomas Childers has loudly and repeatedly let you know that he is the conservator for the prestigious Salanave-Runyon estate, and generously indicated a willingness to involve himself in your financial affairs, as well ... well, they say that against stupidity, the gods, themselves, struggle in vain ... but, you have been warned.
If your name is Nancy Ann Malcolm, you have some explaining to do.
Personally, we think Nancy Malcolm was an accessory to Thomas' crimes and is afraid to talk to the authorities for fear she will be charged with a crime, IE, lying under oath, or making a false statement to a law enforcement officer, along with Thomas.
We think that Nancy Malcolm was aware that Thomas Childers secretly preserved his younger brother's electronic mails, from Oracle, and those related to his brother's volunteer work administering the Unitarian discussion group, UUS-L, for future use against his younger brother.
We think that Nancy Malcolm was aware that Thomas concealed those materials from his brother (and perhaps other lawsuits as well), after his brother filed CIV393104 against Oracle Corporation.
We think that Nancy Malcolm helped keep the forced repurchase of #79 Ash Way, Mill Creek - after the buyer sued Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon and forced her to buy the property back - a secret, from everyone not part of the conspiracy.
This would seem to indicate that the plan to strip the younger members of the family of our inheritances, and to abandon us, existed - in some rudimentary form, at least - between Thomas Childers and Nancy Malcolm, even back in the late 1990s.
We think that Nancy Malcolm did this as part of a quid pro quo, in exchange for the promise that she would be included in Penny's will.
This may imply that Thomas had influence or even direct control over the contents of his mother's will, perhaps via computer.
It would have been trivial, for instance, to install a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) on Penny's computer, and secretly modify her last will and testament to favor one party over another.
(If this doesn't scare you, it should. Our intuition is that this sort of computer-mediated theft is rampant, from coast to coast.)

Nancy Malcolm also kept the existence of #79 Ash Way, Mill Creek, a secret from the rest of the family while we were all being evicted from 2047 17th Avenue, in San Francisco, by Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon, and abandoned to homelessness, after Penny stole her own mother's will.
We have seen no evidence indicating that Nancy Malcolm ever expressed any interest in offering our youngest brother, John Wesley, food or shelter or any assistance whatsoever after Leon Salanave was killed - as John stopped going to work, was evicted for non-payment of rent, tried to come home, and was literally forced into homelessness by our mother, Eleanora Penny Salanave-Runyon.
(Corroboration of this remarkable claim may be had by examining San Francisco's Parkside Police Station event logs for 1993, 1994, and 1995 - our youngest brother was literally eating and sleeping on the front stairs of 2047 17th Avenue for several years, on and off - and I am confident that the neighbors brought this problem to the attention of the authorities many, many times.)
Lacking evidence to the contrary, we think that Nancy Malcolm traded her relationship with her brothers-in-law, and her sisterhood with her future nieces, for the promise of an inheritance.
Nancy Malcolm probably also feels guilty for introducing Thomas to the abuse of restraining orders. As well she should.
'Think on these things', as Leon would say - echoing Krishnamurti - who could probably tell you a thing or two about chakras.
• Letter to CA-DOJ regarding Oracle Corporation and Thomas Childers
• Letters related to our mother's involvement in our grandmother's death
• Letter to Leon Salanave's daughter, explaining how Tom misled her
Social media:
• GitHub ('fourthchakra') - poseur alert
• Vanity website ('Fairfax Journey')
• The fabulous Law Offices of M. Franklin Parrish - executor who ignores inconvenient emails
• Mechanics' Bank's fabulous Wealth Management Division - "trust" management, LOL
• Wikipedia article regarding anahata, the fourth chakra
• Wikipedia article on chakras, in general